Will the Merrimack Valley in northeastern Massachusetts have any good color left in late October? In most years, by this time, the foliage display would be fading, but the leaves have slowed down so much that there’s the potential to find good color out there. A Sunday drive: Lisa and I drove north from our […]
Will the Merrimack Valley in northeastern Massachusetts have any good color left in late October? In most years, by this time, the foliage display would be fading, but the leaves have slowed down so much that there’s the potential to find good color out there.
Rock Wall in Boxford, Massachusetts
A Sunday drive: Lisa and I drove north from our starting point, Salem, MA, up route 1 to route 133 west towards Georgetown, MA. Then we took route I-95 south to the next exit and took route 97 for a short distance and jumped off on some side streets towards Boxford, finding color all along the way.
Foliage dsplay over wrought iron fence
Next we made our way to Bradford, MA, and picked up route 125 north to Atkinson, NH, and then back on route 97.
The pictures say it all and the remaining maples are putting on a glorious display. The oaks in this area are turning a beautiful gold to dark red and in a few cases I’ve seen a few bright reds. But they are definitely bringing up the rear in a kaleidoscope of color.
Bodies of water offer great photo opportunities even when the foliage is sparse.
Also in related news, some Halloween holiday happenings in this area include a Haunted Castle, Children’s Halloween Party, and Rockin’ Halloween music tent, all at Winnekenni Castle, 347 Kenoza Ave, Haverhill, MA.
This drive was adapted from Jeff Folger’s 2009 blog post on foliage in the Merrimack Valley.Have questions on where to find the best foliage on your trip? Check in with our foliage spotters on Yankee‘s Foliage Facebook page.