
Behind the Scenes with a Vermont Country Vet | Photos

What is it like to be a Vermont country vet? We asked photographer Mark Fleming to document three days with large-animal veterinarian Tom Stuwe.

Coffee By Design | Portland, Maine

Photo Credit : Katherine Keenan
In the fall of 2016, Yankee senior photographer Mark Fleming spent three days traveling the back roads of Vermont with large-animal veterinarian Tom Stuwe for the March/April 2017 feature, “A Farmer’s Best Friend.” During those three days, they x-rayed a horse’s hoof, performed surgery on a cow, castrated a bull, and inoculated an entire herd of dairy cows. Mark’s goal for the assignment was to give the reader a true “fly on the wall” experience, and a behind the scenes look at a profession that many are curious about, but not many get to see. One look at the images below, and we think you’ll understand why Mark considers riding shotgun with Tom one of his top 10 assignments of all time.

Behind the Scenes with Vermont Country Vet Tom Stuwe

DVM Tom Stuwe stands in the door of a goat barn just outside Cabot, VT, awaiting the arrival of his patients from the back field.
DVM Tom Stuwe stands in the door of a goat barn just outside Cabot, VT, awaiting the arrival of his patients from the back field.
Photo Credit : Mark Fleming
The view from the passenger seat of Tom’s customized Chevy Silverado. Over the course of my travels with Tom, we definitely spent more time on dirt than on pavement.
The view from the passenger seat of Tom’s customized Chevy Silverado. Over the course of my travels with Tom, we definitely spent more time on dirt than on pavement.
Photo Credit : Mark Fleming
DVM Stuwe talks politics with a long-time client in-between trimming the hooves of a female goat.
DVM Stuwe talks politics with a long-time client in-between trimming the hooves of a female goat.
Photo Credit : Mark Fleming
Some kids are excited to show off whenever a visitor enters their pen.
Some kids are excited to show off whenever a visitor enters their pen.
Photo Credit : Mark Fleming
DVM Stuwe performs a Coggins test on a horse in Waitsfield, VT.
DVM Stuwe performs a Coggins test on a horse in Waitsfield, VT.
Photo Credit : Mark Fleming
DVM Stuwe’s veterinarian kit has evolved over the years to include several specialized bags and boxes, and in this case, a custom-made wooden tool box.
DVM Stuwe’s veterinarian kit has evolved over the years to include several specialized bags and boxes, and in this case, a custom-made wooden tool box.
Photo Credit : Mark Fleming
DVM Stuwe sews up the eyelid of a horse at Water Tower Farm in Marshfield, VT.
DVM Stuwe sews up the eyelid of a horse at Water Tower Farm in Marshfield, VT.
Photo Credit : Mark Fleming
DVM Stuwe washes his hands after performing surgery in the barn at Simpson Farm in Sutton, VT.
DVM Stuwe washes his hands after performing surgery in the barn at Simpson Farm in Sutton, VT.
Photo Credit : Mark Fleming
A horse recovers from anesthesia after minor surgery to repair a torn eyelid at Water Tower Farm in Marshfield, VT.
A horse recovers from anesthesia after minor surgery to repair a torn eyelid at Water Tower Farm in Marshfield, VT.
Photo Credit : Mark Fleming
Tom Stuwe shares a laugh with a client at Howvale Farm in Tunbridge, VT.
Tom Stuwe shares a laugh with a client at Howvale Farm in Tunbridge, VT.
Photo Credit : Mark Fleming
A beautiful view from the back field of the Carpenter Farm in Cabot, VT.
A beautiful view from the back field of the Carpenter Farm in Cabot, VT.
Photo Credit : Mark Fleming
DVM Stuwe gives a 1,000-pound Holstein a shot to help it recover from the sedative administered during a surgery to correct a displaced abomasum at Simpson Farm in Sutton, VT
DVM Stuwe gives a 1,000-pound Holstein a shot to help it recover from the sedative administered during a surgery to correct a displaced abomasum at Simpson Farm in Sutton, VT
Photo Credit : Mark Fleming
Close-up of DVM Stuwe’s coveralls.
Close-up of DVM Stuwe’s coveralls.
Photo Credit : Mark Fleming
Rosa, the inquisitive calf, at Howvale Farm in Tunbridge, VT.
Rosa, the inquisitive calf, at Howvale Farm in Tunbridge, VT.
Photo Credit : Mark Fleming
DVM Stuwe gathers his tools from the veterinarian-customized bed of his Chevrolet Silverado. The bed has a refrigerator, heater, and running hot and cold water.
DVM Stuwe gathers his tools from the veterinarian-customized bed of his Chevrolet Silverado. The bed has a refrigerator, heater, and running hot and cold water.
Photo Credit : Mark Fleming

About Mark Fleming

Photographer Mark Fleming was born in Hartford, Connecticut, but his family moved to mid-coast Maine when he was 8 years old. Growing up in Maine had a huge influence on him, especially on his photography. He studied photojournalism in the shadow of Kodak, at the Rochester Institute of Technology. Since then he has worked for a collection of great publications and corporations including REI, Coleman Company, Boston Magazine, Down East Magazine, and LL Bean. He currently lives in beautiful Portland, Maine. Mark is excited to be joining the team here at Yankee as our senior photographer. The country vet assignment is a perfect example of why he is so excited about this position. Being able to spend several days with a subject and really immerse yourself in a story, is such an amazing opportunity as a photographer. To see more of Mark’s work please visit

Heather Marcus

More by Heather Marcus

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  1. What a wonderful story and beautiful pictures. It brought back memories of my husband and I working our herd of approximately 50 head of cattle. Loved it.

  2. What a wonderful article about a wonderful man! Tom is also our veterinarian and is just fantastic ! Couldn’t run our farm without him, for sure!

  3. Reading this in Alaska, I reflect my times in Vermont at the Bailey Hanger, Tom stopping by to discuss Flying. His other passion! Tom is a long time Pilot & airplane owner! Keep them flying Tom????

  4. Our daughter in law is finishing her 1st year at Tuskeegee Vet school in Alabama, and wants to specialize in large animal. We’ll show her the article about Tom – a real classic, well written.

  5. He’s been our vet since Ruth and him moved into neighborhood over 30 years ago. He’s taken care of our cows, goats, sheep, dogs and cats. He is a sweetheart!

  6. Wonderful written story about a God sent always willing to answer my questions . My self and my horses are very Thankful we have Tom.

  7. I loved this story about Tom Stuwe. What an amazing person. He is doing one of the things we were created to do, namely to “take care of every living creature that is moving on the earth.” (Genesis 1:28) Tom is certainly created in The “likeness” of God. May he be blessed in his well-earned retirement. Thank you, Mark Fleming for bringing this story to Yankee readers!