Best Country Store | The Vermont Country Store Photo Credit : Vermont Country Store
Best Country Store:
Vermont Country Store, Weston
Looking for a flannel nightie, a manual typewriter, old-time candies … all in one store? That barely begins to describe the diversity of the inventory at this 70-year-old Vermont institution. There’s a second location in Rockingham.
657 Main St. 800-547-7849;
Best Antiques & Collectibles:
The Vermont Antique Mall, Quechee
Looking for that Old Farmer’s Almanac from the ’50s? Or a Star Wars lunchbox? They’re most likely here in one of the 450 booths. Take time to visit the free Toy & Train Museum, too.
Quechee Gorge Village, 5573 East Woodstock Road (U.S. Route 4). 802-281-4147;
Best Tourist Hot Spot:
Shelburne Museum, Shelburne
An outstanding collection of Americana, folk art, and fine art—including Impressionist and American paintings—is housed in 38 historic buildings and on the beautifully landscaped grounds.
6000 Shelburne Road. 802-985-3346;
Best Lake Champlain Paddle:
Island Passages, North Hero
After more than 18 years of paddling the waters of northern Lake Champlain, husband-and-wife team John and Berney Skutel know the very best places to explore.
Best Beach:
Sand Bar State Park, Milton
Lake Champlain’s premier bathing beach offers kid-friendly shallows, picnic tables and grills, food and boat rentals, shade trees, and gorgeous views.
Route 2. 802-893-2825;
Best Cheese & Syrup Stop:
Sugarbush Farm, Woodstock
For more than 70 years this small family farm has been crafting tasty cheeses and maple syrup. Sample the wares, visit the animals, and tour a traditional low-tech sugarhouse.
591 Sugarbush Farm Road. 802-457-1757;
Best Local Arts:
Bryan Memorial Gallery, Jeffersonville
Paintings by American realists line the walls of this rambling small-town gallery at the foot of Smugglers’ Notch. Many, like founder Alden Bryan and his wife, Mary, have found inspiration in the surrounding landscape.
180 Main St. 802-644-5100;
Best Bookstore:
Northshire Bookstore, Manchester Center
The extensive selection includes everything from best-sellers to rarities, and features a whole floor devoted to children’s titles. The Spiral Press Café is perfect for a light lunch or freshly baked treat.
4869 Main St. 802-362-2200;
Best Covered Bridges:
Lamoille County
Aficionados can bag more than a dozen in a day. You’ll often find inviting swimming holes beneath or close by. Cambridge, Waterville, and Belvidere boast eight of these beloved landmarks, all within a few minutes’ drive.
Best Thrill Ride:
Beast Mountain Coaster, Killington Ski Area, Killington
Killington’s nickname, “Beast of the East,” is now appropriate in summer as well as winter. The area’s newest ride plunges thrill seekers down the mountain in individually controlled carts, navigating the twists, turns, and spirals of the 4,800-foot-long Beast track.
4763 Killington Road. 802-422-3333;
Best Free Concert Series:
Snow Farm Vineyards, South Hero
Pack a picnic and head out to the Champlain Islands for a summer Thursday evening of music. The vineyards’ award-winning wines are available to drink on site or bring home.
190 West Shore Road. 802-372-9463;