New England

Free-Range Turkey Farms in New England

Want to skip the grocery-store turkey this year? This list of New England free-range turkey farms may be just what you need.

Free-Range Turkey Farms in New England

Coffee By Design | Portland, Maine

Photo Credit : Katherine Keenan

The USDA defines “free-range” birds as those who are allowed “access to the outside.” However, farms do this in different ways — some let their turkeys walk and peck in a pasture, others let them roam in an outdoor dirt pen, and others keep them in outdoor cages, noting that the birds are still getting fresh air and sunshine.

Many believe that birds raised on a free-range turkey farm are happier and healthier than those on other kinds of farms. You should still do your homework, though, to ensure that the turkeys you buy are raised according to your family’s standards. Check with your neighborhood market, farmers’ market, or butcher shop for recommendations on free-range turkey farms in New England, or go to to search for them. You’ll find lists and descriptions of organic, free-range, and heritage-breed turkey producers in your area.

Guide to Free-Range Turkey Farms in New England

New Hampshire

Hurd Farm | Hampton

The Hurds have farmed the same Hampton, New Hampshire, property since 1923. Steve Hurd is the third generation of his family to carry on the tradition of raising meat, from beef to pork to poultry. Hurd raises broad-breasted white turkeys throughout the year, which he sells as whole fresh birds for Thanksgiving and as frozen meat in the other months.


Bob’s Turkey Farm | Lancaster

More than 12,000 turkeys are sold at this popular family farm, which first opened its doors in 1954 with just 125 turkeys. Throughout the year, Bob’s sells all manner of turkey specialities, including made-from-scratch potpies and frozen cuts. Desserts and other Thanksgiving fixings are also available.

Raymond’s Turkey Farm | Methuen

Claire and Raymond Rischer were the original visionaries of this family farm, which opened for business in 1950 with just 24 turkeys. Today, the Rischers’ son, Jim, and his family own and manage the property. Prepared entrées and side dishes and of course, fresh whole turkeys are all for sale.

Stillman Quality Meats | Hardwick

Kate Stillman is your farmer at this Hardwick property. Opened in 2005, Stillman’s specializes in pasture-raised turkeys, as well as an assortment of beef and pork.


Pine Tree Poultry | New Sharon

You won’t go hungry at Pine Tree. In addition to its popular fresh turkeys, the farm also churns out delicious prepared foods (hello, empanadas turkey chorizo) and a wide assortment of sausages, among other tasty treats.


Four Springs Farm | Royalton

This organic farm is more than just a food source — it’s a destination. Overnights are offered, after which visitors can leave with an assortment of fresh veggies, herbs, and meats. If you decide the farming life is for you, extend the stay and enroll at the Four Springs Farm School.

Misty Knoll Farms | New Haven

Fresh chickens and turkeys are the specialty at Misty Knoll, a family-owned operation located just south of Burlington.

Back Beyond Farm | Chelsea

This central Vermont farm serves up a little bit of everything, from starter tomato plants to fresh beef to whole chickens and turkeys. Call 802-272-4648.

Maple Wind Farm | Richmond

A devastating 2014 fire nearly spelled the end of this family farm, located just east of Burlington. But perseverance and an overwhelming level of community support kept the doors open. Today, Maple Wind is doing better than ever. All manner of sustainable meats are offered, including an array of pasture-raised turkeys for the holidays.

Someday Farm | Dorset

On a hillside property that covers 120 acres in Dorset, this third-generation property is what head farmer, Scout Proft, calls a “full plate” farm. Big greenhouses grow vegetables throughout the year, there’s homegrown fruit, and on an adjunct farm Proft and her sons raise pheasants, chickens, and turkeys.


Ekonk Hill Turkey Farm | Moosup

The Hermonot family first opened their farm doors in 1998, beginning with just 15 turkeys for family and friends. Today, it’s a thriving, sustainably focused operation that raises some 3,000 birds each year, making it the largest grower of pasture-raised turkeys in the state.

Rhode Island

Baffoni’s Poultry Farm | Johnston

This 80-acre farm has been feeding central Rhode Island residents since 1935. Baffoni chickens and turkeys are served at restaurants across the state as well, and come Thanksgiving, the farm-fresh birds sell quickly.

Pat’s Pastured | East Greenwich

Opened in 2002, Pat’s has grass-fed beef and pasture-raised chickens, turkeys, ducks, and pigs on 150 acres spread across several pieces of prime farmland.


Read about the advantages of homegrown free-range turkeys and find a recipe for roast turkey. Tell us about the free-range turkey farm in your local area in the comments below.

This post was published in 2007 and has been updated. 

Yankee Magazine

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  1. Check out Pat’s Pastured in East Greenwich, RI, for a turkey (and other animals) farm which is truly free-range; that is, the animals live outside, eat grass, and forage for bugs and worms and acorns. Best turkey I’ve ever had.

  2. Greaney’s Turkey Farm in Mercer,Maine (between Skowhegan and Farmington) has been raining free range birds since 1983. The birds are processed in our modern facilities and sold from the farm as well as wholesaled to meat markets, companies and health food stores across Maine.

  3. Be advised there’s a big difference between “cage-free” or “free-range” and pasture-raised. Just because the birds aren’t in a cage doesn’t mean they live a normal life–at many cage-free farms the birds never step outside their entire lives, and instead are crowded into warehouse-like barns. Still better than being caged, but a far cry from a nature life on pasture. For example, Baffoni’s in RI is cage-free, but their birds stay indoors. At Pat’s Pastured the turkeys spend their lives in the sun, foraging for insects in the grass, and are frequently moved to fresh pastures so they don’t over-graze any patch of land. Same goes for tiny Deep Roots Farm in Chepachet, RI. Pasture-raised is the gold standard for animal husbandry–accept no substitute!