How To

Remove Candle Wax from Fabric

Did a candle drip onto your favorite tablecloth? Read on for our expert tips on how to remove candle wax from clothes and fabric.

Three lit white candles on metal holders with melted wax drips, against a blurred background.

Coffee By Design | Portland, Maine

Photo Credit : Katherine Keenan

Need to know how to get candle wax out of clothing or how to remove candle wax from fabric like a tablecloth? Read on for our expert tips on how to remove candle wax.

It happens. You’re having a dinner party and fail to notice the wax from your taper candles dripping onto your tablecloth. It can be upsetting when you realize the wax has seeped into the fabric and solidified. You could try removing candle wax by scraping it off, but that can be time-consuming and may even damage the fabric. You could have it professionally cleaned, but that’s unnecessary. Save yourself the cost of laundering bills with these tips on how to remove candle wax from fabric.

Note: These tips don’t only work on tablecloths. You can also use them to remove wax from clothing.

Remove Small Candle Wax Stains

Small spots of hardened candle wax can be removed from fabric by rubbing with a generous dollop of vegetable oil. Wipe off any excess oil with paper towels, then launder as usual.

Another way to remove small amounts of wax from a tablecloth is to put the linen in the freezer. When the wax turns brittle, remove the tablecloth and snap most of the wax right off. To remove the remaining wax from the tablecloth, spread the affected area over a large bowl and secure it with rubber bands, then pour boiling water over the wax to melt it. Follow up by washing the tablecloth as usual.


Remove Large Candle Wax Stains

Need to know how to get candle wax out of clothes? To remove large candle wax stains from clothing, first scrape off the excess with a dull knife, then place the stained area between two paper towels or brown paper bags and press with an iron on a low setting. If the fabric is one you would normally iron at a very low temperature, be careful to avoid burning it while you remove the wax. In that case, simply hold the iron just above the paper and move it back and forth. It doesn’t take much heat to soften the wax and transfer it to the paper. Replace the paper towels or bags as the wax is absorbed into them, then launder when the paper no longer absorbs wax. Remove any remaining stain with a spot lifter.

This post was first published in 2015 and has been updated. 

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Earl Proulx

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  1. I used the ironing method on pants with candle wax on them. It worked great – took only a few seconds for the wax to come right out. Thank you!

  2. YOU SAVED ME!!!! I had my tart burner on my kitchen counter & my son’s Carhart coat was on the back of one of our bar stools….I bumped the burner & spashed wax ALL OVER the hood of his coat. This method took every bit of the wax out!!!! Thank you so much! Now I have to go get a new “pink sands” tart! LOL.

    Mary Walker!!

  3. oh, my ! I just did this with my jeans (tencel material). I could NOT believe my eyes when I saw that the wax was no longer there, after I had ironed it with paper towels in between material, top and bottom. wow wow wow!!!

  4. Having an already hectic day, I pulled off my favorite cotton tshirt, and attempted to toss it into the clothes hamper. Instead, it landed perfectly into a filled open candle warmer. I went online, found this site, and followed the directions. I scraped the excess wax, and ironed in between 2 paper grocery bags. Like magic, my favorite shirt is perfect again! Thank you for saving the day for me. ????

  5. I tried ironing over low heat on newspaper where the fabric was covered with wax. I followed the steps and my table runner is saved!

  6. I really love this guidance they are so helpful thank you so much, I am happy that i found your site.

  7. Melting wax from 3 candle holders flowed onto a really nice crocheted dresser scarf. I’m going to try both methods. Took some doing to find this site–thanks!!

  8. Read all the positive feedback and am going to try it on my daughters table runner, she was going to throw it away. Thanks for the tips.

  9. I had a fire on my dining room table. Melted wax dripped on my rug. How do I get the wax off the rug? Can’t wash it and an Iron might melt the rug fibers.

  10. I dropped wax on my suit pants at candlelight service at church last night. I placed paper towels under and over the stain and used a warm iron. It tool several tries, but the wax came out. Thanks for a great tip!

  11. I used the boiling water technique and looks good now ill wash them and pray it worked brand new 50$pair of Victoria secrets leggings i pray they are good again thk u

  12. Just had a huge, actually the candle’s wax overflows from the porcelain ware I put on. The fabric is made of indigenous materials and I’m scared that it could damage the quality of the fabric since it was passed to me, by my late Father. Help me. I place the fabric on my father’s altar since it is his death anniversary.

  13. Yes, yes, the wax always comes out. I’ve done this for years, but the STAIN??? What do you do about getting the stain out?

  14. The following worked to get STAIN out of my cotton dress:
    1. use warm/hot iron and paper towel to get as much wax out as possible
    It appears the stain remover can work best when fabric is heated. I hung my dress to dry and did not put it into the dryer.
    Good Luck!

  15. had a lot of candle wax spilled on a dinner suit and not realising it was wax i tried to rub it out. How should I remove it now?