
Grapenut Pudding

A New England diner favorite, grapenut pudding is a classic sweet treat. Top with vanilla ice cream or whipped cream for best results.

Coffee By Design | Portland, Maine

Photo Credit : Katherine Keenan

A New England diner favorite, grapenut pudding is a classic sweet treat. Top with vanilla ice cream or whipped cream for the best results.

Grape-Nuts Pudding | Recipe With A History
Grapenut Ice Cream
75 Classic New England Foods


6 servings


1 cup Grapenuts cereal
Scant 1/2 cup sugar
4 eggs
1 quart milk, scalded
1 tablespoon vanilla
Pinch of cinnamon or cardamom or both
Dash of salt


Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

Pour scalded milk over cereal and let sit 5 minutes.

Beat eggs, sugar, salt, cinnamon or cardamon and vanilla. Add to milk and Grapenuts.

Pour into a greased 2-quart casserole dish. Sprinkle very generously with nutmeg.

Set in a pan of hot water and bake until a knife inserted 1 inch from the center comes out clean which is usually 45 minutes or longer.

Yankee Magazine

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  1. Dave’s restaurant in Rockland, Maine used to make the best grape-nut pudding, this recipe sounds like it is about the same.

  2. My grandmother and mother both used to make this pudding but they never told any of our guests how they made it. My mother would serve it warm with either whipped cream or vanilla ice cream on it. Haven’t had it for a LONG time but it sure was good!!

  3. So I love grapenuts but never thought I would like pudding. So funny I read this tonight because I asked my daughter to buy grapenuts when she went shopping today. So I am going to make this because I like everything in it so I must like it.

  4. Love Grapenut Pudding. I couldn’t believe Post Grapenuts took the recipe off the side of their box. But I found a good one and made several copies.

  5. I was born and lived in NH and my mother always made this pudding. It was delicious, but no one could duplicate her recipe.

  6. I grew up in R. I. Lived in Maine for 4 years. My mother made grapenut and bread pudding often. I started making both when my children were younger. Love Grape-nut pudding and Bread Pudding

    1. Hi Gail. We’ve never tried making grapenut pudding with almond milk. If you give it a try, let us know how it turns out.

    2. Hi Gail, I live in Florida, but come from Massachusetts. I make Grape-nut Pudding with Almond/Coconut Milk and it comes out so creamy. Not runny,also have made it with just coconut milk. Comes out delicious.

    1. I have never had nor heard of this before my recent trip to Cape Cod. Decided to try it as I love Grapenuts. It is now on the top 5 of my favorite desserts. I am going to try to make it (even though I’m not really a cook) because I know I’ll never find it in Utah!

      1. You will find grape nuts pudding at my house in St George as I grew up in Connecticut and my mother made it often as do I

  7. Grammy’s Restaurant just a bit south of Houlton, ME has excellent Grape Nut Custard pudding. We moved to TX 4 years ago. We miss our pudding which is why I’m researching how to make it. Wish me luck!

  8. I have not made this yet but in the mid-50s and 60s it was my favorite dessert in the cafeteria at Long fellow Elem and Hughes Jr High in Long Beach CA. Their pudding had the grape nuts spred evenly through the pudding and the nuts were not too soggy. Any idea how they managed that? I did try mixing it in late but that did not work.

    1. My mother wanted a recipe for grapenuts pudding, but never found one before she passed away. Wish we had this years ago! She would have loved it.

  9. Grapenut pudding is my first dessert choice always!! Good warm or cold and goes great with morning coffee.

  10. Forgot to add-I used mostly coconut milk + heavy cream & less sugar. It was delicious (although not quite as firm due to the coconut milk).

  11. Has anyone got a recipe for Chocolate Bread Pudding and Plain Bread Pudding.My mother made both the Plain had raisins in it but can’t remember what else. Thanks Paula

    1. My Mother’s Recipe: Gen’s Chocolate Bread Pudding
      Butter 1 qt. casserole or 9 x 13 pan. Set oven to 325 degrees


      3 ½ cups whole milk
      ½ cup very strong brewed coffee
      4 – 5 cups stale bread cubes

      ¼ cup sugar
      ¼ cup butter
      6 oz. bag semi-sweet choc. chips
      3 eggs
      ½ tsp. salt
      1 ½ tsp. vanilla

      Scald milk and pour in brewed coffee. Pour over bread & cool
      In double boiler, melt choc. chips, sugar, and butter. Beat eggs,
      with vanilla, and salt. Temper eggs with melted chocolate
      mixture, then pour into chocolate and mix together. Stir into bread
      and milk mixture. Bake until set in center. (More time for 1 qt.
      casserole—less for 9 x 13 pan.) Usually about an hour +.

      Serve with hard sauce and whipped cream. (Beat together ¼ cup
      soft butter, 1 cup powdered sugar, 1 tsp. vanilla.)
      Serve with Paula Deen’s Bailey’s Irish Cream Sauce

  12. I always made it for my bridge club. When I made something else they would rebel! I use a little different proportions, but basically the same. It’s ok with skim milk. I recently tried almond milk – not as good.

  13. I used to made this often. I’d sprinkle the grape nuts over the individual custard cups rather than mixing them in; always was a hit with the custard lovers.

  14. I make Grapenut pudding all the time BUT I love the custard. Does anyone know how to make it with lots of custard?

    1. Charlene I make this all of the time. I only use 1/3 cup of grapenuts to 4 cups of milk. That will give you more of the custard.

  15. Crestview Country Club’s chef Ole (Agawam, Mass) started making this when the club opened back in 1958. It was a main stay on their menu for decades. My mother (may she rest in peace) had a good sense to get a copy of Ole’s recipe from him in around 1963, which I’ve scanned (and transcribed) for posterity. His called for using light cream instead of milk and you poured the mixed recipe over the Grape Nuts right in the casserole pan (which is how you get slightly crispier results). Oh… It should also be noted that the Grape Nuts you buy in the store today are not as “crispy/hard” as the ones that they made in the sixties.

    1. Tracy, would u email me your old grape nut pudding recipe, please!? I’m going to make YANKEE’S but I’d love to have yours, too, if you’ll share! Thanks! From Texas! I lived in NH/Me. for 13 years, teaching ’til I returned to Tx. Am retired.

    2. I would also love a copy of the recipe your mother received from Ole. Grapenut pudding and ice cream have been a favorite of mine since I was a child. Thank you!

  16. We make this for Christmas and Thanksgiving dessert! This year we forgot to make it (though ingredients were handy) and though we laughed, we were disappointed. My grandmother, Ilene [O’Hearn] Avery raised my sister and brother and me in York County, but she was from New Brunswick Canada. We also enjoy Indian Pudding and Brown Betty Pudding (a Bread Pudding with apples and bread cubes, brownsugar, eggs and butter

  17. This is my husband’s favorite. His mother in Maine made it often and also bread pudding. I must make it again. Maybe today would be a good day to do that. He is 85 today. Happy Birthday Dear.

  18. At Grandma’s house in Rhode Island grapenut pudding was always Indian Pudding. Guess in todays PC world we cannot say that any more.

  19. My sister and I would order Grapenut Pudding at The Hilltop Steakhouse on Rte 1 in Saugus, MA. The Hilltop, sadly, is gone. This version of our favorite dessert, however, has become a staple in my recipe box.

    1. The Hilltop! Our entire family spent many holidays, celebrations & reunions at the Hilltop. The steak was beautiful, rolls delectable and grapenut pudding stuck in my flavor memories. Their store was just as popular as the restaurant. I can remember the thrill of finally hearing our number being called- they had mastered the enormous crowds like no other.

    1. Hi Diane. The pan of water (called a “bain marie” in food-speak) insulates the pudding to allow gentle and uniform heating in the oven. It’ll give you a better texture and help ensure the pudding cooks evenly without burning.

  20. Live is Massschusetts for many years and this was always a favorite for or family. Love this recipe only change I make is to stir it a couple of times while baking. This distributes the grape nuts a little more rather than all sitting on the bottom

  21. Howdy from Tulsa, Oklahoma grew up in Cohasset, MA and reading everything on this site makes me s-o-o-o homesick. My dad ran a restaurant and one of his favorite desserts was grapenut pudding. I’ll be using this recipe since his disappeared decades ago.

    1. Hi Suzanne… I also grew up in Cohasset and my grandmother made the best custard, rich and creamy, baked with a generous sprinkling of nutmeg on top. When I owned my bakery in Maine years later I used her recipe and added Grape Nuts and local maple syrup to make it a great breakfast treat for my customers in Blue Hill, Maine.
      I now make it for my Dad here in Ft. Myers, FL.
      I opened a bakery here in FL. and continued the tradition of serving great New England breads and baked goods. Even naming it New England Bakery and Cafe. I loved my hometown of Cohasset and it made me who I am growing up in a safe small town. Fond memories always. Best, Kathleen.

      1. I am from Plymouth MA and i was hoping to visit your bakery in fort myers. Are you still open for business or can you recommend a good place to get Grape Nut Custard pudding?

      2. OMG…I live in Hull but have a house in Ft. Myers. I am always looking for New England goodies when I am in Florida. I am excited that now I have a new bakery to visit. I would LOVE to talk food with you, especially local places. I grew up in Brockton (when it was nice) and still remember some fabulous bakeries there, no longer open. Jackel’s made the BEST rainbow cake and raspberry shortbread cookies with maple frosting sprinkled with walnuts. I’m ready to cry now because I want some and they are gone. I will come by your bakery when I am in FM and we can talk…ok?

      3. Kathleen, read your post about living in Blue Hill, ME. You may have known my cousin, Joe Henderson and his wife Marcia. They are still there. Beautiful area… I make grapenut pudding all the time, here in E Bridgewater, MA. It is a staple in our home. Always make enough to share with the neighbors who love it too!

  22. I plan to make this for one of my staff for her birthday since she mentioned ages ago she loves it. What is the purpose of scalding the milk?

    1. Hi Jessica, I believe the reason for scalding the milk is to pour it over the grape nuts so they are softened before baking. I hope this helps.

    2. Jessica, the purpose of scalding the milk is to help bloom the flavor of the ingredients, and shorten the cooking time. Scalding probably started before milk was regularly pasteurized

  23. Hello! I make this all the time, however, I made some changes that I thought necessary.

    I use 6 eggs instead of 4, I add heavy cream when I have it and believe it or not, I add sugar. I used to make it with a 1/2 c as directed but it wasn’t sweet enough. I added a 1/4 c to make the recipe 3/4c of sugar. Oh, and I reduced the amount of grapenuts from 1c to 3/4c. It is the most custardy, delicious grapenut custard evah!!!


    1. This was always in our house growing up along with bread pudding. I made this today using 3/4 cup cereal and 3/4 sugar. I only had half and half so I used that. It turned out perfectly just as if my grandmother made it for us at their home on Cape Cod.

    2. Am a first timer of all sorts on baking & I used your recommended changes, my entire household just could not stop licking of the entire served bowl, thank you so much. I ended up doing the below:

      375 ML Full Cream Milk
      375 ML Whipping Cream
      200 GMS Grape Nut (Soaked In Scalded Milk & Cream Mix)

      Combine & Whisk the below ingredients.

      5 Eggs
      250 GMS Sugar
      Pinch Salt
      1/2 TSP Nutmeg
      1/2 TSP Cinnamon
      1 TSP Vanilla Essence

      Flip the Eggs Mixture in Soaked Grapeut (Milk & Cream Mixture)

      Fold it in for a few minutes.

      Place it the entire mixture in a waterbath & fan bake @ 280 Degrees Celcius for 45 minutes, (remove the dish in the 20 minutes to refold the complete mixture for better consistencey on top to bottom result.

      Voila: It’s the best i’ve ever had & will keep doing it in the future, got my 3 year old twins to be involved through the entire process of mixing and baking & they served it to my wife & gradma on mothers day yesterday.


      Santosh Bidikar
      (Dubai – UAE)

  24. Grapenut pudding. MMMMMM. My sister made this just about every week. Also Grapenut ice cream. Just vanilla ice cream and add hot water softened Grape Nut. I have some in my pantry. Always loved hot Grapenuts ( pour boiling water over them and drain off excess).

    1. If you want a 2 good places to get this dessert in the Lowell area there is Boomers in Lowell and Bobolas in Dracut, both restaurants.

    2. If you are using an iPad, I set up the screen so that only the recipe I want is shown and take a screenshot, then I either save it, which automatically is saved in my photos or I send it to print, you are only printing what was on your screen and then delete it.

  25. I used to make grapenut pudding regularly..recipe on the grapenuts box and also the Jordan Marsh is really good and so easy to make…have never made bread mom used to and it was delicious. I have the Jordan Marsh blueberry muffins recipe..excellent and easy to make…

  26. In answer to the person who thinks the comments are a waste of ink, I think they are informative and helpful as well as enjoyable to read.

    1. Sometimes the comments are the best part! I, for one, enjoy reading the stories, recipes and such that other readers share.

      1. Are they kidding…I love reading people’s comments and suggestions about desserts, etc.
        It’s what makes baking and cooking so enjoyable…reading about variations passed down from generations.

  27. My mom made this pudding often as do I…her recipe separates the eggs, yolks in pudding. Beat egg whites to slightly stiff and fold into pudding…wonderful. Her rice/raisin custard and tapioca puddings were equally as yummie…memories

  28. Following a tip I read years ago, I stir the custard after 20 minutes of baking to disperse the grape nuts throughout the mix. It still will have a bottom layer of grape nuts, just not as thick.

  29. Hello…. I have been looking for a recipe for years. My Grandmother called it Suet Pudding, but it was more of a bread made in a cleaned out coffee can. I know it had molasses in it, as it was very dark. I believe it was baked in a water bath, like some custards. It was served sliced with a dollop of whipped cream on top. Any ideas??

    1. Not sure if this is the same thing but you can buy brown bread in a can. It is dark, has raisins and was served at our home warmed with cream cheese or butter and cinnamon. I believe B&M is the brand we ate 30 years ago.


    2. In Boston we grew up with brown bread. B&M in the can ,served on Sat night with hot dogs and B& M baked beans. It does taste like dessert ! You can still purchase it. Even Publix here in FL has it and the baked beans. Amazon used to also .

  30. Thank you for the recipe. I love grape nut pudding. Made it last night. My husband loved it, first time he ever had it.

  31. Being from Western Mass, I’m ashamed to say that I never had this pudding until I went to Warren’s in Kittery, Maine a few weeks ago. Now, I’m so addicted! I’m making it right now for the third time! I can’t get enough!

    1. The scenery is so beautiful…. my bestie and my ex took a long ride and went over that really tall bridge. Its about 110 feet high. Next bridge i want to do is in vermont and its another 100 feet higher. I dont think i’ll get out of his car bc i might lock up due to not liking heights. Dont mind them inside a car just not outside.

  32. So sad to hear Hilltop Steakhouse (Route 1, Saugus, Mass.) is gone. Makes me want to cry! I also remember their Lobster Casserole and Grapenut Pudding…so yummy. I’ve been living out west (Utah) for 46 years. Now, if I ever make it back to Massachusetts I won’t have the pleasure of eating at the Hilltop Steakhouse and partaking of their Lobster Casserole and Grapenut Pudding. Whoa is me!!

    1. Lynette were you from Lynnfield…1950’s and lived on Lowell St. We moved from Lowell St to Tapley Rd. You ironed for mom and I was in your brother, Glenn’s class. I still make your mother’s oatmeal cookie recipe. My mother, Dorothy Hobbs died just over a year ago at age 93. Would love to reconnect. Lee

      1. Lee I’m a Hobbs but from Maine…. My former boss is a Hobbs too but from MA.
        Love finding distant relatives

  33. I’m so happy to have this recipe. Brings back memories of my Grandmother who baked it often. Can’t wait to try it out.

  34. I have made this in the microwave, covered with Saran and (in a water bath) to save time. It usually takes 4-5 mins, then chill. Depends on your microwave but when it’s set with a little jiggle in center it’s done as it will cook a bit more as it chills.

    1. Jim my dad was a summer bartender at Mildred’s then also! You are right best grape nut pudding I ever had in my life

  35. I worked at Mildred’s and Hilltop in MA. Yes, they had great grapenut custard and lots of other local favorites. Sad that both of those landmark restaurants are gone. Good memories. A great recipe, thanks for sharing!

  36. Made this yesterday… excellent! Haven’t made it in years…always a treat at home ( CT ) growing up. I used 2 per cent milk… is it best with whole milk? Hope you answer, as I want to make it again, and want the best ingredient. Thank you !!

    1. I find that any custard recipe is better with whole milk. I make puddings and pies and think the custards are a little firmer and tasty. Good luck !

  37. All the Anglers Restaurants in Maine serve Grapenut Pudding.Its so good I sometimes visit just for the pudding but I also make my own.:)

    1. No, it does not work with milk alternatives. I know this by experience. The best way to make this is using evaporated milk.

      1. Is it possible for you to give me the nutritional information. I always check that out because my 95 yr old mother has congestive heart failure so I watch very closely her sodium intake . She is on restricted sodium diet.
        Thank you, Pam
        Sounds yummy

  38. My Gamm would make this often and top with whipped cream. I remember her pyrex custard bowls and baking in the water bath. Miss her very much! I will order this at Kittys Restaurant in North Reading, MA right down the street from where I grew up. It’s delicious but my Grandmothers was my favorite!

      1. i also dealt with that question as well Im thoroughly convinced that my mother used either 2% or Exclusively whole milk? Guess we just cook until we work out with which version suits us best but I am ready and I lived at Edgewood Farms when it was still a dairy in the late 50’s and very early 60’s

  39. Love the dialogue after the initial recipe. Not a waste of ink at all, in my opinion. We live in upstate NY and love to travel to Maine, Vermont and New Hampshire in the summer. This year, this wasn’t possible. So I especially appreciate the reminiscing your readers shared!

  40. My husband used to vacation in Rockland annually. We planned our trip for lunch on Tuesdays when we could stop at Moody’s Diner in Waldoboro for Grapenut Pudding. Warm and topped with whipped cream…yummers!

  41. Enjoyed all the comments!! I now live in Mt Dora Florida but grew up in Rhode Island, then Andover, Westford, Chelmsford, and Lancaster PA, then back to Barrington RI, remember all the great restaurants, loved the Hilltop Steak house in Saugus, Mildred at the Cape etc. Great memories! Yes, i still make the delicious grapenut pudding. Thanks for your recipes and wonderful comments. JOG@ITINSTANT.COM

  42. Growing up in Attleboro in the 50’s and 60’s, there was a local diner called Watson’s. The instead made cornflake custard. I started doing that using my grapenut custard recipe but using cornflakes. I think it’s much lighter and tastier.

    1. In my experience, you need to water level to be a little higher than the custard level. Can be tricky when moving the pans lol!

  43. Hi, all the comments bring back memories. The Hilltop in Saugus used to but their grapenut custard from Brandano’s bakery in Revere, which sadly has been closed for a very long time.

  44. I got my recipe 50 years go from an elderly self-desribed Swamp Yankee lady in RI. She never told me to soak the grapenuts and it’s always been fine. Her recipe is for half of the one posted and can be cooked over a double boiler. Oven or stovetop, it’s always delicious!

    1. Would that “Swamp Yankee” once live in Rehobeth? My husbands family were written in a book called Swamp Yankees by a gentleman who works for the town. His first name is Otis.

  45. Can’t wait to make this as we have Grapenuts all the time. Growing up with a Southern family I feel left out that I never heard of this before.

  46. My favorite New England dessert. I made this last night. I think next time I’d add less sugar. It was way too sweet