
Graham Cracker Pie

This simple graham cracker pie recipe, filled with creamy vanilla pudding, comes from chef Erin French of The Lost Kitchen in Freedom, Maine.

Graham Cracker Pie

Coffee By Design | Portland, Maine

Photo Credit : Katherine Keenan

This simple graham cracker pie recipe, filled with creamy vanilla pudding, comes from chef Erin French of The Lost Kitchen in Freedom, Maine. It’s also featured in Season 2 of Weekends with Yankee. Learn more in the March/April 2018 Yankee feature “A Taste of What’s to Come.”

In her 2017 cookbook, The Lost Kitchen: Recipes and a Good Life Found in Freedom, Maine, Erin French writes: “My Gram wasn’t the best cook, but pies were her thing. I can still taste the sugary graham cracker crust she’d press into the tins and then top off with creamy vanilla pudding. We’d sell them at the diner, finished off with a mountain of whipped cream and a maraschino cherry. I dress up my version with a spray of Johnny-jump-ups or any other edible flower I can find.”

We adapted French’s recipe to put the deliciousness of a perfectly made graham cracker crust front and center. We love how she elevates a simple dish with attention to presentation and technique. It’s typical of French’s approach to food: Start with great ingredients, distill the flavor, make it beautiful.


8 servings


11 graham crackers
1/4 cup granulated sugar
7 tablespoons salted butter, melted


Preheat oven to 350° and set a rack to the lower-third position.

In a food processor, pulse the graham crackers, sugar, and butter until well ground. Press the crust mixture into a 9-inch tart pan with a removable bottom. Bake until the crust is set but not browned, about 10 minutes, then allow it to cool.

Yankee Magazine

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  1. This is a classic recipe for one of my favorite pies. In western Maryland we made this with meringue on top, and it remains my husband’s favorite birthday dessert. Enjoy!

  2. This – along with lemon meringue pie – is one of my Mom’s best pies. Graham Cracker Pie brings back downeast memories here on the nw coast.

  3. My mom made a variation of this with a light coat of meringue & additional graham cracker mix on top. It was a brother’s favorite. Brought back memories. Thanks.

  4. I have many friends & family in New England and I love the fresh foods! Thank you for the recipes! Stay well.

  5. 11 crackers ?? does that mean 11 squares or 11 double crackers. This recipe sounds wonderful and I want to make it ! ! !

    1. I would guess that it is 11 whole, rectangular crackers, just as they come out of the package, without breaking them apart. Using nearly a stick of butter I can’t imagine it any other way.

  6. Going to the grocery store this weekend and praying I can find the ingredients sounds amazing. Stay healthy friends

  7. I remember my mother making a dessert with gram crackers layered with butterscotch pudding in between. It was my favorite dessert!

  8. I have to use gluten graham cracker crumbs. Does anyone the approximate measure in cups or ounces for the crackers?

  9. This reminded me of a pie my gram Gert would make — except she made it with tapioca pudding! She grew up in the Midwest — and she would sprinkle the top with the crumbled grahams. We loved it. thanks for this recipe!

  10. This sounds amazing. I bet it would be a fun twist on taste to add some lavender buds for summer! Will be making this soon.