
Mom’s Meatloaf

This meatloaf recipe is denser than most, and tastes great the next day in a meatloaf sandwich with sautéed onions and ketchup.

Meatloaf Sandwich

Coffee By Design | Portland, Maine

Photo Credit : Katherine Keenan

Yankee Magazine

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  1. The meatloaf was good, but not as good as my usual recipe. I was unable to purchase the raw chorizo sausage in my area. I left it out of the recipe and used more beef and pork in its place. It was also too spicy and herby. If I was to make it again I would cut the spice and herb amounts by half. It did make a good sandwich served cold with lots of mayo the next day.

    1. you can buy chorizo on line and it’s same price u would pay in store or u can buy in newport r.i.or new bedford mass

  2. Made this with ALL the ingredients including a mild chorizo sausage (although I halved the amount of onions) and it was a big hit. My husband said it was a “home run.” So it rates a 5 out of 5! Yum!

  3. My whole family loved this recipe. The bacon was the clincher. There wasn’t any leftover to use for sandwiches.

  4. Heard about it on radio and couldn’t stop thinking about it. Skipped chorizo due to elderly relative. All the rest exactly, but with fresh herbs. The best ever! Can’t wait for lunch tomorrow!

  5. It is the only meatloaf we make now! We make two and freeze the second one for a night when we want some comfort food and lack the time.

  6. Chorizo? Your mom used chorizo? And what did she do, just chuck in any and every spice in the spice rack? I admit I haven’t tried this particular recipe because the people i cook for like their meatloaf one. way. only. forever and ever amen.

  7. Haven’t made this recipie, but try using saltine crackers in your meatloaf instead of white bread and cut out your salt. Gives it a nice flavor.

  8. Way too much spice and didn’t blend well with the meat. The loaf came out a mushy mess. My husband and I each took two bites, looked at each other and threw the remainder of the meatloaf in the trash. Even our animals wouldn’t go near it. Sorry to be so derogatory, but I followed the recipe exactly and had high hopes.

  9. Déclassé! Déclassé! Mon Dieu! as might have been said in a Canuck home around Moody St. of the likes of Jack Kerouac in his and my BirthTown of LowellLand!!! (Read Call the Darkness Light, by Nancy Zaroulis…Jackie K/O’s first assignment with Doubleday.) My Polack Mom, from Centaahville, made Meatloaf for us while married in the Highlands to me Irish Dad. I don’t think you could have found Chorizo even as a word…back in the day. In any event, not to be déclasséd by the Folks who set a dollop of Green Mint Jelly on their plate when serving Lamb, my Mom feted us with a dollop of Welch’s Grape Jelly(WGJ) to compliment her FAV recipe of the day! Yo…we always had WGJ on hand as what is a PB&J without it as well…Yes!…. Marshmallow Fluff on toast, cut on the diagonal, with Wyse chips!!!? Na Zdrowie! and Slainte!

  10. This sounds great. Different than my recipe.
    If you don’t like spice why would you try the recipe.
    I never had a bad meatloaf.

  11. That meatloaf sandwich made me say yes to trying this! I make meatloaf for the next day sandwich I’ll have. Will not be able to find chorizo so am adapting to sweet Italian sausage and will leave out other herbs for this trial run. My Saturday project.

  12. I made this meat loaf last evening, exactly as described in the recipe. I am not sure what I did wrong. The flavor was interesting, but, as somebody else commented, it was a pile of mush. There was no way that I could have formed this into a loaf. I will make it again, but perhaps I will use only a 1/2 cup of milk and 2 eggs.

  13. My mom made meatloaf, not this recipe, every Tuesday. We, my father, brother & sister love it. The next day we all had meatloaf sandwiches with ketchup & hamburger dill pickle chips in the sandwich. Try the ketchup & pickles, you’ll like.

  14. Thought these were supposed to be original New England recipes. This can’t be an “old” “traditional” New England recipe. I grew up in Vermont in the 1950s and the word or food “chorizo” never existed there!

  15. Vermont most likely did not have Portuguese communities as we did in Massachusetts. Glad to find this receipt and cant wait to try it

  16. Have been making the Quaker Oats recipe for several years,using oatmeal and tomato juice . Very good and very simple. I top it with a picquant sauce before baking it. It freezes beautifully.

  17. We would have never had chorizo. Our meatloafs were very bland with hamburg breadcrumb because no one liked it with oatmeal, egg ketchup and a bit of milk. After it was all mixed my mon would put hard boiled eggs in the middle of the mixer in the pan then maybe bacon on top but more often not. Everyone loved it especially my dad.

  18. I have not made it but the spices look like way too much! Who ever uses a teaspoon of nutmeg??