10 Unforgettable New England Fall Destinations

Learn from the editors of Yankee, and from our readers, where you can find the best fall weekend getaways in New England.

Beth’s Farm Market, Warren, Maine.
©Yankee Magazine/Mark Fleming

Learn from the editors of Yankee, and from our readers, where you can find the best fall weekend getaways in New England.

Fall is one of the best times to visit New England: the air is crisp, the apples are ripe, and the leaves are colorful. The only real downside might be that there’s just too much to experience! Never fear — we’ve compiled a list of 10 places to visit in New England in fall that will help you make the most of the season, and maybe even inspire the perfect fall weekend getaway. Vermont is home to a small village beloved by the family of President Abraham Lincoln. So much, in fact, that his son Robert Todd Lincoln created a 412-acre estate. Plan to spend several hours between the Welcome Center, the 24-room mansion and gardens, the farm, and the 12-plus miles of walking trails. Bring a picnic, and you’ll get the full effect for why we’ve named this one of our favorite places to visit in New England in fall. And it wouldn’t be fall without getting lost in a corn maze. There is a fabled Vermont agricultural construction where you will spend over two hours and walk 2.5 miles finding your way through a 24-acre adventure. For the more impatient among us, or if such a mammoth maze seems daunting, there are “cheater poles” along the way to permit a quicker exit.
Road Trip through New England in Autumn
©Yankee Magazine/Mark Fleming
Prefer the mountains? Whether you prefer hiking or taking the auto road, the view from one mountain in western Massachusetts encompasses five states. That’s a lot of fall color! Northwestern Connecticut is another great spot for taking in the foliage. We’ll tell you about a bench-spotted trail that winds up the slope of one state park, where visitors can take in a series of cascades and pools. Park facilities include picnic tables and grills, which can be found dotted among open fields. In the past, a nearby town was named one of the best for fall foliage by Yankee Magazine, so you can be sure you’ll experience a real New England fall. New England is renowned for breathtaking fall color, and we share our picks for the best spots in the 10 Places to Visit in New England in Fall—one of many great guides in our Special Collection – Fall Destinations. Want to find the best getaways in New England this fall? Our Fall Destination Collection gives you the local’s take on where to go in New England, from the coast to the forest. With your Yankee All-Access Charter Membership, you have full access to everything in the Fall Destinations Collection, including:
Red Barn and White Steeple in Autumn
©Yankee Magazine/Mark Fleming

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