
Ode to the Spring Peeper Frog | The Sound of Spring

Writers have compared the song of the spring peeper frog to distant sleigh bells or silver pipes, but to the tiny frogs themselves, they are mating calls. To us, they are a sign of spring.

Coffee By Design | Portland, Maine

Photo Credit : Katherine Keenan

This ode to the spring peeper frog was first published as “The Sound of Spring,” in Yankee Magazine, April 1984

Ode to the Spring Peeper Frog | The Sound of Spring
Ode to the Spring Peeper Frog | The Sound of Spring
Photo Credit : JasonOndreicka/iStock

Ode to the Spring Peeper Frog | The Sound of Spring

In 1956, when I was nine years old, we moved from the city to the suburbs. It was winter, and on the first warm night I stepped out to the back porch and heard in the distance a wonderfully high, thin sound, as clear as the first stars over the bare black trees.

It was the call of the spring peeper frog. Remembering the sound from her childhood, Mother looked them up in her Field Guide to North American Reptiles and Amphibians and showed me the picture of Hyla crucifer, a tiny tree toad no bigger than a thumbnail with a faint X on his back — hence his name, the cross-bearer. I remember the picture well, but like most people I have never seen the real thing, though I’ve been told that with a flashlight it’s possible to spot them in the act of singing by following their song in the swamp at night. But I suspect that, like crickets, they would probably shut up when you got too close.

Writers have compared the spring peeper call to distant sleigh bells or silver pipes, but to the tiny frogs themselves, they are mating calls. Responding to the first warm nights, peepers emerge from their winter home under dead leaves and rotten logs. They inch up the saplings on sticky feet and sing each night for two or three weeks until the pond has warmed enough for the female to lay her eggs.


In the still forest the spring peeper call can be heard a mile away, but in a suburb with heavy traffic, the sound is as evanescent as the chittering of bats. Spring peepers have been heard as early as January during thaws on Long Island and as late as June in Maine, but in most of New England, late March and April is their calling season. By May their voices are silent, and the swamp creaks with bullfrogs and hums with the first mosquitoes.

From that first night, spring peepers marked the turn of the year for me, and I am saddened if spring comes full-blown, and I realize that I have missed them.

When graduate school and work took me to Boston and a 140-year-old house in Dorchester, trips to the countryside at night became rare, and most springs went by without the tree frogs.

I remember a party in Wellesley when I stepped out back and heard the spring peeper frog for the first time in several springs. My high heels sank in my host’s lawn while the faint voices seemed to draw me back to an older world when the giant dragonflies and strange amphibians were the only life that stirred among the tree-ferns. This past spring, walking to the drugstore at dusk, I heard the peepers in Dorchester for the first time. Spring in Dorchester is signaled by young men waxing their Trans Ams at the curb while the tape deck plays rock, and little kids riding double with radios hanging onto the handlebars of their wobbly bikes. In the city teenagers reappear as predictably as skunk cabbage in their own appointed spots — broken stone walls, the wooden steps of vacant houses, the edges of public parks glittering with glass in the streetlights. But in the short pauses between songs on the radio or when the traffic was light, I could hear the thin piping from the trees at the steep, trash-covered bank of the river where the current pushed perpetually against the submerged shopping carts.

The tiny frogs had lain all winter under the Church’s fried chicken wrappers and Lite beer cans, and pulled themselves on their sticky pads up the budding maple and oak saplings just as they had before the city, or men, or the dinosaurs were born, under the first sliver of the first moon of the new year.

Do you look forward to hearing the sound of the spring peeper frog every year?

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Kathleen Kilgore

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  1. This may sound silly but I was laughing at your mention of skunk cabbage, most people would not have a clue. This stuff was nasty but kinda pretty to look at just don’t touch. As for the peepers, one was on my balcony several years ago at my condo, singing it’s little heart out, took me forever to locate him or her. Sitting on top my big wall thermometer, so tiny,,, but what a voice.

  2. How sad that Dorchester is as you describe. That sounds depressing. Why don’t you get back out to the country?

  3. You know what’s cool about skunk cabbage? It’s one of the few plants that exhibit thermogenesis – the ability to create their own heat, thus allowing them to survive the freezing temps that can happen in spring.

  4. 50 or so years ago when my children were small, they brought a peeper home and put it in an small fish tank in our dining room. A couple of days later during dinner, it made it’s way to the top of the tank, glared at us and and let out a PEEP!!! that raised us out of our seats. Needless to say, Mother requested it be returned to where it was found…

  5. Kathleen: I loved this article! I was born in Boston but moved to the suberbs when I married. I wait impatiently each year to hear the peepers for the first time. Then I take the phone outside and call my family in northern Vt so that they can hear that at last Spring is on its way! Up there, there is usually still snow and ice and they need to know that it will NOT last forever! Very rarely do we get any snow once the peepers have started to sing.

  6. When I was a kid, we lived next to some swamp lands. I would go out into the swamp in the Spring and try to see the peepers. Of course, as soon as I got near them, they would go quiet…..but…..if I sat down and waited, and waited, they would start singing again. It was like stereo, surround sound! So wonderful!

  7. Right now, I have a post-it on the frame of the window over my sink. It says LISTEN FOR THE PEEPERS! Like a previous comment, I feel terrible if I don’t hear them heralding the arrival of SPRING!

  8. It’s too bad an audio of the Peepers were not included in this article. I’m looking forward to hearing them again.

  9. What a beautiful article. I anxiously await the arrival of the peepers every year 🙂 Although written in 1984, trash-covered river banks mentioned are, sadly, still all too common-in city & suburb! Anyone remember the “Crying Indian”? He’s still crying.

  10. Here in North west NJ the peepers started singing last week. And we have had 2 5+ inches of snow since then. Last night was 35 degrees here and I listened for them and didn’t hear a one. The snow is still on the ground so I expect them to return when it melts and warms up a bit.

  11. I heard them for the first time about 2 weeks ago when my niece was visiting us (in Attleboro, MA) from Dover, NH. She is from Florida, moving to NH almost 2 years ago, but living in the city with no wooded area around she had never heard them before. When packing up to head home she comes in asking, what is that noise outside, it sounds almost like a car alarm, but not? Is it some kind of bug, like a cricket? I said, oh I bet it’s the peepers; I haven’t heard them yet as I’ve not been outside this time of night to catch them. And sure enough, as I stepped outside, that was it, the night was alive with the song of the peepers. She couldn’t believe it. I googled them to show her what they were, the tiny frogs. I love that sound because it does give life to spring and just a couple days later the trees exploded with buds and my tulips & daffodils bloomed. How I love New England in the Spring.

    1. Thanks for sharing, Irene! What a treat to think of your niece hearing them for the first time! Your comment has us feeling even more appreciative of the arrival of another New England spring. 🙂

  12. I used to love the Peepers! First round of Spring , even when we lived in the city.
    Loved to hear them even more when we moved to NH.
    Sadly, no Peepers here in the Northwest.
    We do have frogs but their call does not have the delicate sound of the Peeper.

  13. I so love that sound! A few places I lived in weren’t far from swamps and since the places were set off the road the peeping sound was glorious! One place was only a hundred yards or so from the swamp and I saw a few of them sticking to a bsck door! I couldn’t believe how tiny they were! I’m thinking about moving away from New England because of the expense but I don’t know about leaving so much of the area I love behind!

  14. Beautifully written piece. Nature offers so very much to anyone who cares to accept its gifts merely by being still for a moment, by listening, by looking, by smelling, by touching, and yes, even by tasting. I am of the belief that if everyone had just one encounter with Nature at this level, they would never again flippantly toss a wrapper, a can, or any garbage item. As I read this item, I recalled those specific sounds that, to me, are among the greatest songs of Nature: yes, the peepers; but also the crystalline bell-whisper of individual snowflakes landing upon the sleeves of my winter coat; the edgeless, directionless rounded echoing hoot of the owl; and the haunting beckon of the loons far away on a dark lake. I’m a composer/songwriter, so perhaps I listen a bit more deeply for the songs beneath the songs. I can attest that these songs are certainly there.

  15. Our family makes maple syrup in Western Mass and when we hear the peepers we know sugaring is over. A true sign of spring!????

  16. Just noticed the peepers here in Plymouth MA last week. It was fairly loud, so they must have first come out a few weeks before that. I always think of the peepers as the real sign of spring. I miss seeing the farm that had sheep, in Natick. I loved to drive by and see all the lambs in the pens. Another sign of spring. I miss that.

  17. I heard from my old Vermont neighbor that the peepers had to freeze in twice before it was truly Spring. Anyone else heard this?

  18. Love the peepers. Blessed to live in a suburban area with a bunch of vernal ponds and plenty of trees. the deer still get in to shred my Hyacinths, Tulips and Daffodils—- but they can’t silence the peepers! I should be hearing htem in a week or two.