
How to Keep Squirrels Away from Fall Bulbs

Pesky critters digging up your newly planted bulbs? Here’s how to manage skunks and keep squirrels away from fall bulbs.

Keep Squirrels Away From Fall Bulbs

Coffee By Design | Portland, Maine

Photo Credit : Katherine Keenan
Keep Squirrels Away From Fall Bulbs
Keep Squirrels Away From Fall Bulbs
Photo Credit : Pixabay
You spent a crisp fall morning digging holes, planting bulbs, and scattering organic fertilizer, dreaming of how lovely the flowers will look next spring. But to your horror, the next day you find the holes have been excavated, the bulbs scattered on top of the soil or missing. The squirrels (aka “Those rascals!”) have struck again. Occasionally these bandits have taken away your bulbs to nibble, but usually this isn’t the case. Squirrels sense loosened soil, so they are apt to dig down looking for the tasty nut some other critter has apparently buried there. They typically toss the bulb aside, uninterested, as they search for something more to their liking. Skunks will also dig newly planted bulbs, looking for a large, tasty grub. They too are attracted to loosened soil and the bulb is pushed aside as they hunt for a juicy larva. Online searches will turn up recommendations for how to keep squirrels away from bulbs by encasing them in chicken wire cages but this is seldom needed. If we think about it, the New England landscape is filled with beautiful spring daffodils, crocus, and other flowering displays, many naturalized into large fields or swaths on the roadside. No one has caged these bulbs in chicken wire and the squirrels don’t dig them up. The key to making your new plantings as untouched as those established plantings is settling the disturbed soil immediately after planting. Several rainfalls will do the trick, but Mother Nature can be unreliable about delivering precipitation on demand. So one way to make those newly planted bulbs invisible is to water the area well once you’ve finished planting. Those who have turned off their outside spigots and put hoses into storage for the winter can turn to the chicken wire, but not for caging each bulb. Since spring bulbs are normally planted in groups, it’s easy to stretch a piece of the fencing over the area where you’ve planted. Weight this down with logs or rocks, and it will prevent the squirrels from digging. Once three or four rainfalls have settled the soil, lift the chicken wire pieces, roll them up and save them. Next fall you’ll use them again to outwit those bulb bandits. Do you have any tips for how to keep squirrels away from fall bulbs? Let us know! This post was first published in 2016 and has been updated. 

SEE MORE: How to Use Fallen Leaves As Fertilizer Best Fall Porch Plants How to Preserve Gourds and Display Them, Too!

C.L. Fornari

More by C.L. Fornari

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    1. I’ve tried the cayenne pepper mixed in the bird seed; I think they actually think I do it for extra seasoning for them. I am amazed how high they can jump to a hanging feeder and how they can cling upside down to reach the tiny openings.

      1. I once bought cayenne pepper-laced bird seed to keep the squirrels out of it. Instead I discovered that my squirrels LOVED mexican food!

    2. I have successfully used cayenne pepper in heavy doses on the bulb and on the top of the soil. Deterred the grey squirrels in my Boston backyard.

  1. I have done what you say for years with a few changes. We plant the bulbs with the booster, water and put screens (found by the side of the road), weighed down with rocks and walk away. Around late Feb I take the screens and rocks off when I see them growing. I have never had a problem. Whenever I see old screens by the side of the road, I pick them up, cut them out and they work perfectly.

  2. My mother used to plant tulips and daffodils all around my grandparents grave stone. In the beginning she had problems with the squirrels digging up the tulips which were my grandmothers favorites. Well, this old gentleman whose wife’s grave he tended every Sunday asked my Mom what was the matter. She told him the squirrels dug up all the tulips (we think they ate them as no bulbs were left on ground and my Mom and two of her sisters would go to cemetery regularly and never saw loose bulbs lying around. Well the gentleman said he would push several mothballs around where he had planted. No more problem, worked like a charm! Oh, and we called the cemetery “Squirrel Park”.

  3. I hzveused dridd blood fertilizer in the ground and on the surface. It is quite effective iin keeping our furry friends away.

    1. I, too, have used dried blood. I can no longer purchase any in North Jersey as it is no longer on the garden center shelf. What state are you from and What is your source of dried blood? jk

    1. After having 6 spark plug wires chewed through by gray squirrels, I used mothballs in a plastic closet holder placed near the engine to successfully keep them out. Drawback is the smell when driving if the windows are not open.

    2. Hi–had this happen often to my Camry heating system; mechanic suggested fabric softener sheets with a nice smell that seems to repel mice, etc. Worked for me. Anywhere you can stuff the sheets safely under your hood. Good luck!

  4. Been told that a bulb of garlic planted under the tulip or other flower buds puts off an unpleasant odor that grubs, squirrels, and other animals don’t like.

  5. How do I keep squirrels from chewing on my tomatoes that have just ripened? As soon as I see a nice ripe tomato on the plants in my garden, I find that it’s been half eaten by a squirrel. I have lost a lot of tomatoes this year. And they only eat half and then move on to the next tomato. I never had this problem before. Any ideas?

    1. You might find that it is not squirrels, but other wildlife. I used a Hav-A-Hart trap because the same thing was happening to me, and was very surprised to capture not one, but two little possums!! They now happily reside in the wooded area not too far from our house. BTW, my garden was completely fenced with chicken wire and hardware cloth, but who knew possums can climb!!

  6. I have used Cayenne pepper sprinkled on the ground above the bulb – has worked every time ! May need to resprinkle spot if there is a heavy rain.

  7. My squirrel problem isn’t with the bulbs I plant but with the gourds & expensive pumpkins I place on my front steps. Last year they destroyed them by boring into & gobbling up all the seeds inside. They were relentless until all my beautiful display was gone. I don’t want this to happen this year. Any advice for keeping the invaders away from them?

    1. I had the same problem, And since pumpkins and such are expensive, I switched to buying Fake pumpkins and gords (you can purchase excellent and very real looking items at Hobby Lobby or your local craft store. I am also one who likes to help the wild life, so I wait until right up to the day of or week before and purchase them then when the price has gone down and let the squirles enjoy their treat.

      1. I have the same problem. But last year I went to a “pumpkin & pinot” party where I painted a beautiful gourd. Before leaving, they spray varnished my work. The squirrels/chippies did not touch it. I might try varnishing plain pumpkins this year!

      2. I haven’t tried it yet but was told to spray pumpkins with hairspray to keep squirrels away. I would think it should be repeated after rain.

  8. Any suggestions on keeping Raccoons out of my barn attic ? I have a radio blaring day and night does not work. They have their babes in the Spring and then leave but make a mess of the insulation.

  9. I have a small city garden. After planting the bulbs, I water the planting areas well, then walk over the ground to finish the job. Also, in some spots I will lay plastic garbage bags over the disturbed soil and weigh these down with bricks. I also wait until the last minute and plant the bulbs right before the first good freeze of the season is predicted to occur (usually around Thanksgiving). Squirrels can’t dig in frozen ground. This waiting game can backfire, as I waited one week too late last year and the ground froze, so I couldn’t get the bulbs in. Regarding the plastic bags and bricks — I remove these once the ground is frozen. I can fuss around with these methods because I have such a small space. Good luck!

    1. Poor moles are always getting blamed for eating bulbs. They do not. Moles are completely carnivorous. Voles use mole tunnels. So moles are often blamed.

  10. It isnt the reason why people put bulbs in wire cages , it is that moles and sometimes mice will tunnel to your nicely planted bulbs and snack on them during the winter only for your to discover the following spring that there is not a beautiful patch of flowers , Chicken wire holes are too big to prevent moles from getting to your bulb. I use 1/4 to 1/2 inch hardware cloth to make my cages to put my bulbs in. It can be a damaging experience to your hands bending the wire into cage form , so I highly advise using leather gloves when bending the wire. I do this because one year I planted over 100 tulip bulbs, 200 crocus bulbs, and 200 daffodil bulbs in the ground. The following spring , only the daffodils survived as the little critters do not like the taste of daffodil bulbs and they are not as soft as the tulips and crocuses I have numerous oak trees around my property so the squirrels are well supplied with acorns in the fall as well as i am kept awake some nights from those acorns dropping onto my roof making it sound like a bombardment. So do yourself a favor even though it is more work to make those little cages , and put your bulbs in cages because you cannot put the moles and mice in cages.

  11. I was told to put foot powder and epsom salt in a bag and coat the bulbs before planting. Not sure if it worked or not i did get nice flowering plants.