Just Like Mom’s Pastries 353 Riverdale Rd. Weare, NH 603-529-6667; justlikemomspastries.com Although Maine lays claim to this confection (as do other regions of the country), Just Like Mom’s whoopie pie is true to its name: a large cakelike cookie, dense with chocolate flavor; slightly crispy on the edges; cut in half and slathered with a […]
Just Like Mom’s Pastries
353 Riverdale Rd.
Weare, NH
603-529-6667; justlikemomspastries.com
Although Maine lays claim to this confection (as do other regions of the country), Just Like Mom’s whoopie pie is true to its name: a large cakelike cookie, dense with chocolate flavor; slightly crispy on the edges; cut in half and slathered with a marshmallow creme filling, not white frosting. A melt-in-your-mouth “pie,” worthy of the whoop.