Easy Shower Curtain Cleaning Cleaning my shower curtain is very easy. All I do is put the curtain into my washing machine and add six cups of vinegar. The vinegar also cleans out the washer at the same time. I used to clean out my washer every month with the vinegar, but to save time one day, I decided to put my shower curtain in the machine. It came out cleaner than it ever has with anything else I’ve tried.
If you have a bedwetter, put 1/2 to 3/4 cup of white distilled vinegar in with the wash water and let it soak a couple of hours. The smell will be gone, and it is all-natural!
buy bars of Fels Naptha soap ~ when start washer, rub the bar of soap under the running water just like I am washing my hands and let the suds flow into the washer tub. It cleans my laundry well and one bar lasts about six weeks. I do a minimum of 14 loads a week. If I cut the bar in half, it is easier to handle and also seems to last longer, so I do laundry for 99 cents for two months! These things are just as safe for the environment and your family as the very expensive eco-friendly products