Everyone is talking about the weather this summer. With record-breaking days more often then not, it’s hard NOT to talk about the weather. I remember the first summer I moved to Boston. Coming from the Midwest, where central air is the norm, I was shocked to find that most apartments didn’t have air conditioning at […]
Everyone is talking about the weather this summer. With record-breaking days more often then not, it’s hard NOT to talk about the weather. I remember the first summer I moved to Boston. Coming from the Midwest, where central air is the norm, I was shocked to find that most apartments didn’t have air conditioning at all.
Frosted Strawberry Squares Photo Credit : Jen Perez
My first summer in Boston was a mild one. There were a few days in late August where you were sweating from the second you got out of the shower, but other than that, I didn’t miss having A/C. Obviously that is not the case this year.
Making the crust for Frosted Strawberry Squares. Photo Credit : Jen Perez
Hubby and I have been cranking our A/C unit in our bedroom from the minute we get home from work until the next morning when we leave. Last weekend, we had high hopes of playing tourist for the day in Boston. But we decided to stay inside and play board games instead.
Frosted Strawberry Squares Photo Credit : Jen Perez
I also did some baking. But don’t worry, this recipe requires very little time in the oven. Only the crumble used on the top and bottom of these Frosted Strawberry Squares requires heat from an oven.
Fresh summer strawberries. Photo Credit : Jen Perez
These Frosted Strawberry Squares have frozen fruity mousse sandwiched between a nutty crunchy crumble. I think this recipe would work perfectly with whatever berries you have on hand. Hubby instantly requested that I make them again with blueberries. I think a combination of blueberries and raspberries will be next on the to-make-list.
Frosted Strawberry Squares Photo Credit : Jen Perez
These squares are nice and tall, so I served them with a fork. If you would prefer to make them thinner, I’d double the crust recipe and make it in a 9×13 pan. I also let them sit a room temperature for about 10 minutes to get a little softer and easier to manage. Freshly whipped cream is an optional (but highly recommended) topping.