Fish & Seafood
The Strangest Ways to Eat Lobster
Lobster ice cream? Lobster doughnuts? Here are some of the most creative (and strangest) ways you can consume lobster in New England.

Coffee By Design | Portland, Maine
Photo Credit : Katherine Keenan
If you’re in Newport, RI, try the overstuffed lobster roll at Brick Alley on Thames St. or the incredible lobster mac and cheese at The White Horse Tavern. The Atlantic Grill makes a mean lobster benedict also. YUMMO!!!!!!
My two lobster “faves” are Lobster Thermidor, which I had at a famous restaurant in Quebec City on a birthday trip, on my birthday (my husband grew up in Hull, MA, his father owned many boats, they fished often, filled their freezer with haddock and flounder, so he got “fished out”, food-wise while he was growing up…once in a while he would “consent” to eat a lobster roll with Iggy’s brioche rolls, lightly toasted and buttered if I made it for him…he only really liked shrimp cocktail and baked stuffed shrimp I made at home with Ritz cracker stuffing, made with walnuts, which is how they stuffed their lobsters and shrimp at Bishop’s Restaurant in Lawrence, MA, which has been out of business for many years…I remember going there as a pretty young child for the first time for their baked stuffed lobster stuffed with lobster!!!!!!!!WOW!!!!!) and Lobster Stew, which is a 2 day project with the Locke Ober recipe, which they served to JFK, which is now out of business, thus I eat it out! You might not know where the lobster roll was invented. It was invented in Westport, CT and had bacon on it, which my husband asked me to put on one of his; he said it tasted really good with the bacon!, I have never tried it, however, I do make sea scallops wrapped in bacon. At that restaurant in Quebec City he ate Filet Mignon, his favorite, which was as good as my meal. Both of our complete meals (appetizers, sides, dessert and coffee) cost $25.00 total!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will never forget that meal!
There used to be a restaurant in Attleboro MA called Peg Leg Pete’s that served fried lobster. Was great, have never seen it served like that anywhere else.
This is not too different from the spargelfests (white asparagus festivals) in Germany. They were all things asparagus including full four and five-course dinners. At first, it didn’t at all sound appetizing. But, once we tried the offerings, we were all in. Lobster, in a plethora of ways! Yes!
I’ll take lobster any way I can get it, but I think I’ll draw the line at lobster ice cream!