
Maple Affogato

This maple affogato is one of the simplest desserts you’ll ever make, but it offers a wonderful contrast of hot coffee and cold ice cream, delicate vanilla and rich coffee flavor.

Maple Affogato Recipe

Coffee By Design | Portland, Maine

Photo Credit : Katherine Keenan

Traditionally made with espresso, this maple-infused version of a popular Italian dessert works just as well with dark-roasted coffee. It’s one of the simplest desserts you’ll ever make, but it offers a wonderful contrast of hot coffee and cold ice cream, delicate vanilla and rich coffee flavor.


4 servings


4 large scoops vanilla gelato or vanilla ice cream
1 1/2 tablespoons maple syrup, warmed in microwave
1/2 cup hot freshly brewed dark-roast coffee or espresso
Garnish: 1/2 teaspoon Tonewood maple flakes (optional)


Chill four small glasses or bowls in the freezer at least 15 minutes. Put 1 scoop of ice cream in each bowl. Stir the warmed maple syrup into the coffee and pour over the ice cream. Top with maple flakes if desired.

Keith Pandolfi

More by Keith Pandolfi

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