Can you tell me how to chill wine quickly? Sticking the bottle of white in a bucket of ice takes what seems like forever, and the freezer isn’t much better. Surely there must be a solution that doesn’t involve dropping ice cubes in a glass of good Chardonnay. You can chill wine quickly — or […]
Use this method to chill wine quickly without putting it in the freezer.
Use this method to chill wine quickly without putting it in the freezer. Can you tell me how to chill wine quickly? Sticking the bottle of white in a bucket of ice takes what seems like forever, and the freezer isn’t much better. Surely there must be a solution that doesn’t involve dropping ice cubes in a glass of good Chardonnay.
You can chill wine quickly — or any other bottled beverage for that matter — if you use the same trick ice-cream freezers employ. Half-fill an ice bucket with cubes, then add several tablespoons of salt. Pour in cold water to come up to the level of the ice, add the bottle of wine or whatever and enough additional cold water to surround it. This works two ways: The water conducts the cold to the entire bottle surface, and the salt makes the ice melt faster. The faster the ice melts, the more cold it gives off.