Cooking Advice

10 Best Apples for Apple Pie

‘Tis the season for apple pie! Make sure yours doesn’t fall flat with these picks for the best apples for apple pie.

deep dish apple pie slice

Coffee By Design | Portland, Maine

Photo Credit : Katherine Keenan




Bethany Bourgault

More by Bethany Bourgault

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  1. I only use cortlands for my apple pies. Great flavor and they don’t turn to mush when baking. I’m surprised they were not on your list as when I go to local apple growers in western ma the Cortland is highly recommended for pies.

    1. YES!!!! I grew up with Cortland Apple Pies! They have the perfect tartness vs. sweetness ever. I currently live in Virginia, and they are so hard to find!! I miss them so much!!!

  2. Macintosh apples are best apples for pie; I have made these pies for years and everyone loved them. Unfortunately I moved down south and Macintosh apples are not available down here; I would love to be able to get some here.

  3. I have been baking for many years and it is my belief that the Pippin or 20 ounce apple provides the best combination of tart/sweetness that is required to make an outstanding apple pie.

  4. Such gall! Whatever apple is the go-to for you is the one to use. Macintosh is by far the all around one for me, sliced thin it gets very soft in the baked pie, left thick, offers more texture. Granny Smith and red delicious have had their flavor bred out of the and are flavorless. THE apple NOT to use – any canned pie filling –

    Cortland and Macintosh are truly the best, Romes can also be used, I like the pink tinge of the Romes flesh…….

    1. Thanks for the info on slicing Macintosh apples. The Red Delicious apples from the supermarket have no flavor but the ones picked fresh from the orchard are flavorful and juicy!

  5. I have been baking my apple pies and apple sauce for over 55 years, I will not use anything but Macintosh apples – and everyone loves my pies. I don’t live in New England anymore, so it is difficult to find them, but I always manage to, and then make up the filling and freeze it, so I can make my famous apple pies all year round.

    1. Phyllis Many varieties of appples are to be had in Wal Mart, the sup sized store, and they have MACS! Sold separately or individually, at least her is VA, I too no longer live in New England, and I miss NE every day1

  6. First, I’m a Yankee Magazine and subscriber fan for years……now about the apples for making an apple pie… on the east end (north fork) of Long Island…..we don’t have all the varieties mentioned in the article. But in my younger years I always used only Macintosh apples in the pies I made…..until an elderly lady out here told me the best pies are those that have many different varieties of apples in them. Ever since then (years)…..I make my apple pies with at least 5 varieties of apples, some of which are mentioned in this article. And the great thing is when done this way, the pies taste like no one else’s.

    1. I use a 10″ pie dish to make my apple pies. It takes at least ten apples per pie. Sometimes more. I try to get as least two of each apples that are suitable for pie baking. Fortunately, my supermarket always has a large selection of apples. And they are marked as suitable for eating or for pie making and cooking. I can’t imagine making an apple pie any other way.

  7. Certainly wish I could obtain Baldwin apples, the best for pies, crisps, etc. Am a native New Englander but have been living in Florida for over 20 years, so Granny Smiths are my go-to apple. Baldwins were always a bit difficult to find in any case but, oh, I do miss them!

  8. The best apples for apple pie are Rhode Island Greenings! Unfortunately we don’t see them everywhere, but the closest apples to these gems are Granny Smiths.

  9. I think the author should consult the folks posting in this forum for Apple advice. New Englanders, esp. Vermonters will swear by Macintosh. And although websites and TV chefs might claim otherwise, I can pretty much guarantee everyones parents, grandparents, or even themselves make apple pies with Mac’s. Absolutely delicious with texture dependent on how thick you slice the apple.

  10. I have always used McIntosh apples for pies, take it out of the oven a little early so it won’t get mushy. I also like Cortlands for pies. My son, Jim, wouldn’t ever eat anyone else’s apple pie except mine. Funny? But true.

  11. My mother is (was) still the best pie maker I have ever met. Not just apple pie, but pecan, sour cream, pumpkin, mince – you name it! She made the best crust, and I haven’t found anybody to compare. She said what she did different was to have her shortening “warm” which in Vermont meant about 60 degrees. She preferred Northern Spy for her apple pies. Can’t find them here in Florida, so I usually make mine with Granny Smith.

  12. I know New Englanders have used Mac’s for pies for generations. But we are also stubborn when it comes to different ideas. My Mom used them and until I tasted otherwise, I thought her pies were the best. Then I made my own pies with different varieties and cooked it less and WOW what a difference. The chef’s are right, Mac’s are mushy. I now have to have some “bite” to my apples in the pie! We tend to do things the same because that’s the way they have always the way they have been done. Live dangerously New Englanders! Try something different. LOL 🙂

    1. Wow! I’m reading all this, thinking “I’m a New Englander and I’ll always use Macs”. You’ve opened my eyes!

  13. Lived in mid-west for many years and many of the ones mentiones in your article were not available. Since coming to MA I have settled on a combination of Cortland and Baldwin (when available). Very interesting to read everyone’s comments.

  14. In our area everyone uses cortland an macs. Thicker slices and less time depending upon the apple make a difference. In my humble opinion the Gravensteins is the best for pies. It’s very early and hard to find but well worth it. Really… Clarkdake farms in Deerfield, Ma. Has them at the beginning of the season. They go quick.

    1. I found them once in Sierra Madre’s Albertson’s one summer; those Gravensteins made a fantastic pie! I moved to Las Vegas and planed a Gravenstein tree, but it died. I usually made pies with Macs, but I wanted my Gravenstein tree for pies in Vegas. Is there an address so I can order Gravensteins from your locale? I’d appreciate it very much. Thank you so much! Lorraine Anthonisen, 7520 Hornblower Ave., Las Vegas, NV 89131, 702-515-0755,

        1. Always used Cortland apples when I lived in upstate NY…Now living in Calabash NC I can;t find them anywhere. The supermarkets have strange named apples I’ve never heard of….Any suggestions ladies?

    1. Wow, I though I was the only lover of Wolf River apples for baking. They are quite large! I have not seen them since leaving the Midwest where I could buy them at the Evanston IL farmers market where an old time apple grower told me about these awesome baking apples.

  15. I always used Jonathan. Then, twenty years ago or so they became completely unavailable. So now I use Jonagold, because apparently they are “part” Jonathan. They still make a good pie.

    1. Mrs. Bear insists that Jonathan apples make the best pie and I agree. She explained that she grew up with this as the preferred apple in rural Illinois. They are very popular in the mid-west. We have found several New England growers including Dowse Orchards in Sherborn, Mass. who have them in October.

  16. What about winesap? Very hard to get, but I had a pie a friend brought to a potluck where Winesap were incorporated with Cortlands, I think. Excellent pie!

  17. I was very surprised to see Macs called out as not good due to mushiness, but no mention of Cortland, which taste very much like Macs and don’t break down. I have always used Cortland for pie and everyone loves it for it’s nice flavor without being too sweet or sour.

    1. I agree about the Cortland. I think they make the best apple pies. I like the texture and the fact that they taste like apples even with all the added spices.

    1. Thank you! I was beginning to think nobody remembered Greenings but me. I haven’t seen them in NYC in years. I don’t care so much for Granny Smiths. I’d rather use Rome Beauties, if I can find them.

  18. My Grandmother had an old Baldwin apple tree outside her back door. Never did anything to it as far as pest control. When she was ready to bake a pie, she would go out and pick a large bowlful of apples, cut out all the evidence of “worms” and then slice up what was left for her pie. Made the best pies and, best of all, we probably got a little extra “protein” and certainly no pesticides. Both she and the tree are gone now but I still remember the apple desserts they produced together.

  19. I agree, with the Baldwin lovers above, the pie it makes is by far the best I’ve ever had in 60+ years.

  20. My parents always insisted that Winesaps make the best pie. I recently baked an apple pie using whatever I could find, mostly Granny Smiths (it was Pi Day March 14) and added Boiled Cider found at King Arthur in Vermont. Tasters said it was the best pie they ever had, and I have won and judged many pie contests!

    1. Winesap apples are not “commercial, year round”, but are the best for almost anything – pies especially! We wait every year for them to come into season. Biting into that first Winesap is a treat!

  21. I really like Rome apples for a pie, but I know you cannot get them everywhere and all season. Have to look out for them. I also like Brae burn apples. Jonagold’s are a good choice in the south too.

  22. My favorite pie apple is Courtland. SinceI can’t find this apple here in Virginia, my interest in baking apple pie has deminished. However, the combination of mac & jongold or another sounds interesting…

  23. My mother always used Cortland or hard Mac. He pies were the best. Problem is apples are under bug problems. The apple we get at the market are stored for months. The good flavor of apples has been bred out. Ordered Cortlands last year and they were just terrible. Miss the old days when tomato taste like heaven and apple were crisp and full of flavor.

  24. I come from New England, and I would never make an apple pie with anything but Macs. My pies are “out of this world” and so is my applesauce, and I only will use macs, though they are hard to find in the Mid-West.

  25. I always use macs when making my pie. I don’t like granny smith but the variety of apples sounds like a winner. going to try that one. we always have a good variety of apples in Fla. isn’t that strange?

  26. Twenty-ounce pippins make a great pie, and they are so big that the peeling is a snap. After them, Northern Spys, Spy Gold, and Rhode Island Greenings are great in pies. If you are lucky enough to find Wageners, you will love them in a pie. Most of the modern apples are overly sweet to make a proper pie.

  27. Just in case any of you want to can apple pie filling, use oly Clear Jel as a thickener. If you can’t find it in your area, google it and you can order it. I love making this pie filling and it has come in handy at holiday time for pies and crisps as well.

    1. Forgot to mention why Clear Jel must be used in canning pie filling. It does not break down like cornstarch and flour.

    1. Back many years ago, and updated in 2009, Yankee published an article listing “Best” and “Second Best” Apples for pie baking. I’ve used that list ever since and it has never failed me. I will reproduce it below, but first two things: Thing 1: The best apple pies feature a s blend of three flavors (a sweet, a tart and a spicy) & as it relates to taste buds (I’m an engineer) they should be sliced as close to paper thin as you can get. Thing 2: Following #1, it is impossible to bake a decent pie without including the New England Winesap as your spicy choice. BEST APPLES: Gravenstein, Jonathan, Northern Spy, Rome, Winesap (Stayman variation is sweeter), Liberty, Macoun. 2nd BEST APPLES: Baldwin, Cortland, Gala, Granny Smith. To save some space, I have omitted the characteristics of each apple (e.g. sweetness, acidity, hardness, tartness). You should Google them for their details and then do a 3 apple combo.

  28. Although it is a little hard to find, after 70+ years of eating apples, my vote is for Spigold, a pairing of Northern Spy & Golden Delicious. I am on the list for a 1/2 bushel and will bring some to Amy if/when I get them. I have been on this list before with no results, we’ll see. Other than the biennial crop nature of the Spy, they are good for everything. See you end of Oct with some luck.

  29. I still feel Macs are the best apple for my pies. And, no, I don’t let them cook until they’re applesauce. My husband doesn’t like apple pies where the apple slices are still firm so Macs are perfect for those who prefer their apples soft.

  30. My mother in law said the best apples for pies were Cortland. She made the best pies we ever had. I buy them when I find them in the store.

  31. My grandmother and late 92 yr. old mother always used macs in their pies…anything else doesn’t measure up to the “lip smakin” good flavor during my 75 years!

  32. Macs are the best for apple pies. I won’t use any other. I’m originally from New England (Massachusetts). I never had any trouble using Macs for my pies. Unfortunately, if you do find Macs in the grocery stores (Utah) they are way too expensive per pound. So sad!

    1. Hey ReaderLast15300. Also a MA transplant in UT here and I agree that Macs are the way to go. After searching all over SLC, I found macs at Harmon’s last Christmas. They weren’t particularly cheap (as nothing at Harmon’s is), but it was nice to have a taste of home at the holiday table. Hope that helps!

  33. oh you need to change your story/write a new one because the most traditional that all my family ever recommended or used is the Cortland apple!!!!

  34. I have only used Cortlands for my pies. They hold up great, some tartness, not overly sweet either as I don’t like my pies too sweet. Only apple I will use for pies!

    1. I agree with Colleen above. I had only used Courtlands for pies what with living in Montreal. Now I live in western Canada and cannot get Courtland. Have tried a couple of others but none have the flavor or aroma of a Courtland pie.

    2. I agree with Colleen. Cortland apples make the best apple pie and apple crisp, and they’re the only apples I use for both.

  35. As an aside, here in England we adore the Bramley cooking apple for a lot of our recipes and continues to be voted #1 cooker. Sharp yet slightly sweet it remains firm during cooking. No apple crumble is complete without it. Lovely!

    1. Amen, Shirley. You don’t know how to cook an old New England apple pie if you don’t know how to use McIntosh apples.

  36. I won 2nd prize for my apple pie in a contest with Macintosh Apples make my own crust never had mushes pie lots of comliment on my pie

  37. Macs and Cortlands are the very best combination of apples for the best pies ever. No question in my book, but guess what, we all have our favorites and that’s a good thing! Otherwise I’d never be able to find which ones I want. QUESTION: Does anyone know any apple orchards who peel and slice and freeze Macs and/or Cortlands that I can order by mail? I know I can order the apples themselves, but they’re so heavy it costs a mint for shipping and they get banged up. I know apples are sliced and frozen in some orchards. Anyone know where I can get Macs and Cortands, can’t go get them myself this year and I’m VERY SAD !!!

  38. Hi, being cousins of your guys from good old blighty, we were amazed not to see Bramley apples during our shopping visits to Publix. In our opinion (and dare we say it all of our peers) these are the best apples for baking and of course the humble apple pie. Do love the idea of incorporating sweet apples into the recipe as well. I see a business opportunity here 😉

  39. For the best combination of sweetness, tartness, and firmness Newton Pippins (also know as Albemarle Pippins) stand out above all the others in my 70+ years of experience. You never see them in stores, so good luck.

  40. As a child in Nebraska, I remember going to the neighbors to pick Greenings, can’t find them anywhere and no one recognizes the name. Would love to taste them again. In my memories , they were the best ever and a huge apple so didn’t need to peel a lot of them.

  41. Growing up on a fruit farm here in New England, we grew common varieties like macs, macouns, northern spy, red & yellow delicious, empire, Gravensteins among others. One our top picks for baking in pies was cortland. I’m very surprised not to see them on the list, as they are still quite popular.

    1. I recently made a pie using Honeycrisps. The apples were firm and juicy. The flavor of the pie was wonderful.. it was a little tart, but many like it tart. Would do so again!

      1. I was hoping someone would name honey crisp as they’ve become my favorite. Now I’ll bake a pie with honey crisp. Thanks!

    2. Only honeycrisp enters this house. Pies are sweet and apples are not mushy they hold their shape pretty well so everything doesn’t fall apart.

  42. My wife uses mac’s I hate applesauce pie, BLAH. all my life my family made pies and the apples in the pie were firm and juicy. Mac’s are pulpy the worst apple for a real Apple pie.

  43. My best pies are made with a combo of Macintosh and Granny Smith. No mushy pie here. I hate apples that don’t cook down enough to be tender though. I always thought Gala, Rome and Fugi were good also.

  44. I have always used Rome apples in my pie and in my cranberry sauce. This is the first year I haven’t been able to find them. I tried honeycrisp last year and didn’t care for it.

  45. Wow, I really enjoyed reading all the comments about apples. I’m from the Midwest & we always saw a big variety of apples especially at the farmers market. I’m now living in New Mexico & don’t see as much variety but used to prefer Courtlands for my pies?

  46. Years and years ago, I remember buying two varieties of apples that made the best pies ever. As I recall, those varieties were Malden and Melrose. Both had that perfect combination of tartness and firmness that made the best tasting pies. I haven’t seen either variety in years but I’m betting some readers will know where you can still find them.

  47. I live in New England and combine Granny Smith and Cortlands for my apple pies. I also like Early season Idareds. My mother-in-law always used Macs and an old variety early season Transparent Apples she would find in northern Maine. There are so many varieties out there testing is so much fun.

  48. I’ve been baking apple pies for a number of years and use either a combination of Macoun and Cortlands or MacIntosh and Cortlands…always come out delicious w/ nary a complaint! A few years back I entered an apple pie baking contest at the annual Applefest fair at Wachusett Mountain in Princeton, Ma. and Amy Traverso was the celebrity judge amongst the pool of judges. After receiving my scores, Amy gave my pie very good scores among the variety categories, ie, taste, firmness, crust, etc. I was top third in her score rankings & was the only guy entrant, took solace in her scores…thank you Amy!

    1. Grew up in Greenfield, MA and lived in Templeton, MA for 15 years as an adult. I also used MacIntosh (sweetness) and Cortlands (body and ever-so-slight tartness). Was always a perfect combination. No idea what I should use now that I live in Florida.

  49. Growing up in Buffalo, NY, we always had access to wonderful apples at the farmer’s markets including winesap, wealthy, cortland and empire. All were great in pies, especially wealthy. Now that I live in Florida, it’s difficult to find these apples. I always use a mix including Granny Smith (tart/firm), honey crisp (juicy/firm), cortland (semi-tart) and usually a few macs or pink ladies. Pies always turn out delish with a complex apple profile and juicy as the day is long!

    1. 20 ounce, Cortland and Baldwin’s make great appledesserts also

  50. you say to use honey crisps mixed with Macintosh if you must use macintosh though honey crisp is not on your list of best apples to use ? is this because honey crisps are too firm to use?

  51. I am looking for a good apple to freeze that will keep their shape to make apple pies in the winter. Anyone else do this?

  52. So happy to hear all the Mac users….can only get them here (Oregon ) for a very short time in the fall. Very expensive but this Mainer has to have her touch of home. Always stock up enough for my Holiday pies……and I love to eat them. It is true….cooked right they don’t get mushy.

      1. We always used Granny Smith and Macs. One is tart and firm, and the other is sweet and cooks down a bit. The combination is perfect.

  53. If you bake an apple pie, no matter how sweet or mushy, it will be gratefully accepted. The very best pies, from my 95-year experience, have a thin, browned crust and a filling that is a mixture of true pie apples, firm and ranging in tartness. Sugar or honey can provide the necessary sweetness. “Northern Spy is the best for pie”. Also: Baldwin, Cortland, Granny Smith or Rhode Island Greening, Golden Delicious, Gravenstein, Ida Red. Red Delicious is not an apple

  54. I was always told that your first choice should be Macintosh,then Winesap,then Rome for a great pie.Is Winesap not still around?

  55. I love a combination of apples in my pie, but am always sure to include Braeburn apples. The texture and flavor these apples add to my pie just can’t be beat!

  56. Macs are absolutely THEE best apple for apple pie! Yes, they are a bit softer, but in my humble (but very experienced) opinion the firmer apples in pies tastes like the filling in FROZEN pies. Macs are incredibly soft and prone to bruising, so are very hard to find in many stores. We moved from New England to Hawaii and Macs are impossible to find. I have tried many varieties and NOTHING comes even close to the true ‘homemade goodness’ of the Macintosh. And, FYI…it’s Martha Stewart’s favorite apple for an apple pie! But what does she know????????????

    1. Yes, yes and YES! I moved from New England (CT) to Arkansas. Last year, for whatever reason, a local store had a supply of Macs and I was finally able to show off what these apples can do. My newly adopted loved-ones thought my pies were out of this world. “Magical” to quote one. As for applesauce, I couldn’t make enough. I finally had to dig deep into my cooking skill trenches to create Apple Butter Thumbprint Cookies. It saddens my heart that I may never again be able to make any of these foods for my new neighbors who enjoyed them so much. My question still remains: What is a good substitute for a Mac which makes wonderful cider/juice, turns into “mush” (to quote some) when baked and can be turned into applesauce so smooth, velvety and flavorful?

    2. You are so right. Nothing compares to Macs. I totally agree that Firmer crisp
      apples taste like frozen or commercial pies. I don’t cut in slices, rather in approx. 1inch chunks and they retain their shape and melt in your mouth.
      You, My Mother, and Martha Stewart know best. Mr. Sandy Snow

    3. My Mom always used Macs in her apple pies and they never turned to mush! Best apple pie ever! I do not like firm apples in my pie either! And commercial pie? You can keep them! Won’t eat them EVER!

  57. I just made a wonderful Taste Tatin with Mutsu/Crispin and Winesap apples! Neither one broke down and the pie was delightful (it didn’t last long!)

  58. Newtown pippins were always on store shelves some 40 years ago. Now you can’t find them. We live on 10 acres and I planted a Newtown pippin four years ago. Last year planted 7 apple trees, Honeycrisp, Cox Orange pippin, Sweet 16, Tompkins king, ashmead kernel, holstein, cortland. It is my belief that the two best apples for pies are Newtown pippin and Cortland. After that Rhode Island greening and Holstein. I’d like to try Ashmead kernel.

    1. I agree, I have been making pies for over 25 plus years, and Cortland by far are the best. Also these are easy to obtain as they are grown in the New England area.

  59. Macs do not get mushy, you must be making your pie wrong! Golden delicious – gotta be kidding – they DO get mushy. Total BS and you went with the trendy apples not the ‘core’ of apple pie apples (Jonathans for instance – though I think these are not a New England variety? and Cortland which are great too. and Baldwins), . A complete no-confidence vote here!

    1. Steve – you are the first person to mention Baldwins. My Aunt Ev and cousin Ev always mention Baldwins for pies. Aunt Ev had a tree. I don’t know where to find them now.
      I use many types of apples. I live in MD, but still love the Macs from the Catskills and Adirondacks best. I think Jonagold, Rome, and Empire work well too and I often combine apples. I just hate the very firm commercial pies.

  60. I just baked a pie with only granny smith apples and it turned to applesauce. What was the problem?

    1. Same thing happened to me! I read in some places that this is what Granny Smith apples do. I other places It says they are the perfect apple pie apple. I am confused!! Next time I will use a mix of apples and see how that turns out

    2. I have been making apple pies for 32+ years… I am only 54 by the way…but I have used macintosh apples very time except once.And that was due to not being able to find any here in Arizona. I used golden delicious and they came out pretty good.None of my pies have ever turned into mush.And I like to slice my apples so thin that after baking them they melt into your mouth! I don’t like chunky apples in my pie.For all of you having the mush problem….not sure if you know ..but you need to add flour to the apple mixture along with cinnamon and sugar.I have never had that issue…it must be your recipe.

      1. I’m from NH and my family always used Macs and/or Cortlands. Now that I live in SC, I’m seriously considering a road trip up north just for the apples. I’ve tried other apple types, but it results in a disappointing nothing-burger. Good luck finding the good apples!

      2. I totally sympathize! I moved to AZ from WI and have not been able to find any decent pie apples! and I, too, use flour in the apple mix. I used to be in the middle of wonderful apple country. They don’t call AZ a desert for nothing.

  61. My sister made the best apple pies I ever tasted. When she gave me her recipe, she told me, “Always use Staymen-Winesap apples. If they taste too sweet, add a little bit of lemon juice.” I have always followed her advice, and my pies are always a hit.

      1. I used them as well for decades when I still lived in Northern Virginia!!! Now that I am a Texan, I was only able to find Small Granny Smith’s and Galas (which I will be mixing?!?).
        My late Grammie Lawler studied under Fanny Farmer at the Boston Cooking School, so I hope that she’s sending prayers from Heaven?!?

  62. I worked in a large orchard we shipped truckloads of Cortland apples for pies. Ginger Golds are picked in late August and are not a pie apple neither Golden Delicious.

  63. After some experimenting I have found a combination of Cortland, Jonathan and Granny Smith to produce the best results. Braeburn and Jonagold work too, since Cortland are hard to find.

    1. I’m guessing you don’t live in the Boston, MA area!

      Jonathan is my favorite apple and it’s impossible to buy here!!!


  64. Umpteen years ago my wife said to me “If you make the crust I’ll prepare the apples.” She sliced the apple, took out the seeds and the middle parts of the apples, However, she did not peel the apples. To ensure domestic tranquillity was preserved, nothing was said about apples not being peeled. Found out they do not have to be peael for a delicious pie. Later made an apple pie for a lodge meeting supper. Used golden delicious and a red skined apple. The golden delicious apple akin almost completely dis =intergrted. The red skin didn’t disintergrate. Have people been inventing and patening apple peelers since 1870 or sofor something that didn’t need to be done? Maybe apple skins were a lot ougher then? They are fun to use. Bye, John Clark, Dover N. H.

  65. No love for Macoun’s. Ma would lay the bottom crust down. Then stack the Macoun’s high. Put the cinnamon sugar and butter on top. Put the top crust on. Then let the butter and sugar melt down through the apples. The sweet from the sugar and tart from the Macoun. Perfect!

    1. I see you indicated that you are in CA but I am curious if your roots are not from Nova Scotia or Northern Maine as I grew up with my mother only using Gravensteins in her pies.An heirloom apple with a very short season as well as a limited availability, it brought back wonderful memories of apple pie season.

  66. The Cortland is the best pie apple hands down. They hold their shape but give in to being in a pie and don’t insist on remaining independent of their fate. The Macoun should be worshiped with hand to mouth eating. MacIntoshes can be sued in a pie if it is the right time in the local season but they are best experienced in apple crisp. I could add my creds of having been the 4H Regional Champion apple pie baker in my mid-teens but I am too humble for that. 🙂 Let’s talk crust. Butter mixed in—actually rubbed into flour— with fingers to allow the flaky crust we all love. Pile those apples high. They are the centerpiece after all.

    1. Having won the South County Museum Apple Pie Contest three years in a row,
      I perfected the pie by using three different kinds of apples that I picked myself at an orchard in Middletown, RI. I used Macoun, Cortland and Honey Crisp. The key is to use an apple peeler and corer machine from LL Bean that allows you to build the pie slice by slice. This produces a very dense pie with no pockets that is very heavy when you pick it up and settles very little during baking. It is hard to make a bad pie if you combine any of the apples sited above. I also use very cold vodka instead of water in my crust. The alcohol disappears in cooking but leaves a lighter flakey crust. Finally I use egg white on the top crust and sprinkle it cinnamon sugar.

    2. I remember a similar article comparing the best pie apples that appeared in Yankee many years ago. I believe the end conclusion was that they came from the wormy tree down the hill in the backyard!

  67. Now my mother, displaced to Cincinnati from Weymouth when we were little, always made apple pies w Macs, only Macs. In 1959, she became the pie baking champion of Cincinnati and so she has some creds. She taught me how to make pies and I will not make an apple pie unless there are Macs available. Applesauce? A problem maybe if the pie crust is too thick or the Macs cut too small. Thin crust and Macs, no problem. For fear of my mother haunting me, I will not make an apple pie without Macs.

    1. I could not agree more. I have been making apple pies since I was 10 and that is now 63 years and I have always used Macintosh apples as did my mother. The only time I tried another type was when I made a pie for a cousin in Marion, Oh. She had either Spy or Winesap, I can’t recall but it was a disaster. Terrible. I will always use Macintosh. I do not get apple sauce. In fact sometimes I have had the apples a little undercooked. I wonder if the crust is either too thick or not made with butter. Butter is all I have ever used too. When I have tried to make a crust with shortening or something else I don’t get a good result.

      1. A full Mac pie is the only way in our family. We don’t like mushy or firm apples. But really any apple pie is better than no apple pie!

        1. My 100 year old Nana still makes the BEST apple pie with Macs. Perfect flavor and texture. Never liked a pie that was crunchy.

  68. I grew up in New York and every fall we would travel north for Northern Spy apples. She made the best pie. Now I am down south and drive north in the fall to buy apples for my apple pie. First of the season. I also inhale the northern fall air to sustain me.

  69. Cortlands are the best!! Baldwins sre also good. McIntosh are totally out. Great to eat but not for pies.

    1. My Dad grew up in New England. He loves courtlins. Hard to find in SC now!
      He likes em very soft. Baking in advance for sure keeps him a happy camper. Thank you all for adding you favorite apples!

  70. We use a variety from Noquochoke Orchards in Westport MA called 20 ounce. Much less peeling because the apples are so big. We also mix in Cortlands, Granny Smith and others. Can’t just make 1.

  71. The very best are a combination of Northern Spy, and the hard to find Rhode Island Greening. My grandfather would tell my mom, “Charlotte, you make a darned good pie” as he lifted the top crust to sprinkle sugar on it, everyone else loved it a bit tart. Most apple pies are far too sweet.

    1. So happy to see this post. My mother who would now be 117 used this combination or either alone. She also loved Stamen Winesap. She was knwn for her pies.

  72. When I was a heck of a lot younger (I’m 76 now) and living back in Mass. I always made apple pies with MacIntosh apples. We were lucky to have a next door neighbor that had 3 MacIntosh apple trees in her front yard. She would always let us have as many as we wanted for pies or whatever. Never had any trouble with Macs being too mushy. Now living where I do (Utah) Macs are way too expensive per pound for me to make apple pies with. Dang it!!!!

    1. I’m with you Lynette! I use MacIntosh for everything and have never gotten one complaint (or anything left over) in the hundreds of pies, crisps, cakes, crumbles and just plain applesauce I’ve made. I would venture to say that younger bakers, younger than you and I, really just don’t know how to bake with them.

    2. Lynette, I’m with you! I have been making MacIntosh apple pies for years; I don’t think you can beat the taste. And, I have not had “soupy” apple pies at all. I find it harder and harder to get these Macs (first in CA, now in NV). One summer tAlbertson’s in Sierra Madre, CA put out some gravensteins. I took a chance and bought some–they, also made a wonderful pie; however, I haven’t seen them since. Macs are getting to be very hard to find in Nevada, unfortunately. They make a delicious apple pie!

  73. I grew up in the Missouri Ozarks and some from a long line of Ozark hillbillies. My mom’s parents lived back in the woods and had an old orchard of Grimes Golden apple trees. Grimes Golden is one of the parent’s of Golden Delicious. They are one of the most flavorful apples I have ever eaten. They were good keepers too. But they had the downfall of not bearing well every year, they were also ugly apples too. But the taste cannot be beat! Every so often you will find an orchard that still grows them and if you ever see them, buy some!!! You won’t be disappointed.

  74. I have used Cortland’s for years as my mother did. Last year the farm where we go apple picking was picked clean of Cortland’s when we went and I discovered Macoun’s. They made a great pie and applesauce too.

    1. YAY! I’m so happy to see someone else use Cortlands! When we moved to Michigan from Maine, I spent a lot of time with my French Canadian grandmother. SHe taught me how to sew and knit and crochet and cook but the best thing ever was she taught me how to make a proper pie crust, and that Cortlands were the ONLY apple to use! I have yet to see a Cortland in the markets, however, I found an orchard in the “Apple Belt” of Michigan that had Cortlands! I only bought a peck bag, and upon getting back home I set myself to making a pie, and apple butter. I did return the next weekend for a bushel of Cortlands! Don’t think I need to tell you how many pies and batches of apple butter I’ve made!

  75. I’m 81…older than anyone who posted. I’m Pa. Dutch…we bake. And I don’t mean use mixes. First of all, there’s no such thing as “the best” Apple for baking. Everybody has their own favorite. My overall favorite is Staymen Winesap. For pies, which I’ve been making for 65 years, the best combination i ever found was 3 Winesap, 3 Golden Delicious and 3 York Imperials. I no longer can find York Imperials, so I will use Macs or Jonagolds. Here s the problem…the best apples are being eliminated because growers and hybridisers think they have to constantly come up with new varieties…because “new” brings more money. Heirloom varieties were better baking apples…but few of us know how bake anymore, especially a pie. Just like the best apples, we are a disappearing variety! I can still find Winesap during the Apple season, but. I miss my York Imperial and I’m so old, I don’t plant trees anymore! Keep experimenting and bake as long as you can…it’s your gift to the world.

    1. God Bless and yes, keep baking ladies. With this darn pandemic our yearly Xmas church fair will not be held so I miss the baking that I do for that and won’t even be making desserts for the Thanksgiving or Christmas holiday as just keeping it between my husband and myself for safety reasons but sure hope I can resume my normal baking for the holidays next year. In the meantime I still try and bake for a local shelter once a month which delivers pleasure two fold.

    2. Bless you, Maggie. I’m a 73 y.o. living on the Point Reyes Peninsula in California–but I grew up on a farm in Wilmington Township, Pennsylvania–50 miles north of Pittsburgh. You say you are PA Dutch. Where in PA and what sect? We had many good Amish neighbors with whom we traded and shared farm implements, etc. Our farm had an old apple orchard from the 1930s and 40s that gradually died out until by the late 60s the only productive trees were the summer Transparent apple and one of the all-time royal pie apples, the Northern Spy. I’m surprised you didn’t mention either of those. I’m about to bake a New Year ‘anti-viral apple pie’. Because it’s tough to find N. Spy out here–the few that are grown go very fast–I’m using a combo of Granny Smith, Jazz and Juici. I always make extra dough and extra apples so I can bake a couple of Eastern European style apple dumplings–great for breakfast with warm milk or cream. Mom was born in Austria-Hungary in 1908 and came to Pittsburgh in 1927. She taught me how to bake pies and said “if you want to be a baker of good pies, be prepared to throw out a few until you get the hang of it”.

    3. Linda R, WV
      Thank you for your testimonial. I love to bake pies. I’ll be 75 this summer and don’t plan to stop anytime soon. I have a fellow from our church that looks forward to his birthday pie each year. I also have a granddaughter (14) who is a beautiful pie baker. It’s becoming a lost art, it seems. Such satisfaction I feel when I bake my pies, be it Apple, I use Granny Smith and whatever else I have on hand. Also, Pumpkin is my two sons-in-laws favorites and of course Pecan and any Cream Pies. Baking these pies makes me very happy.

  76. When I made my first pie, some 50 years ago, we used pippins. But they disappeared and were replaced with Granny Smiths. The problem with them is their firmness. So I mix Grannys with Golden Delicious, for a tart sweet full filling. My Dutch Apple and regular Apple Pies fly off the shelf at the deli and at home.

  77. I can’t believe you didn’t include Cortlands. They are the best, hands down, for Apple pie.

    1. Totally agree that cortlands are the best apples for a pie….I’ve been making pies with them for 60 years and always look for them when making one.

  78. Can’t find them anymore but Black Twig makes the best pies. We had a neighbor who had an orchard and sold most of them to a local baker but when he went out of business the farmer cut all his trees down. Too bad! I am 92 years old and have 2 trees, a Golden Delicious and Russet. I like the Golden Delicious best for pies now.

    1. We planted two apple trees several years ago and one of them has finally produced a good crop. Made a pie with my Wagener apples and it was delicious. They are firm and crisp and not too sweet. Not a beautiful apple but just delicious. At our local (Rhode Island) PYO orchard, we pick Liberty and Cameo which also make great pies.

  79. I ran across this site because I have VERY tart (I think they are Jonagold). Very firm. I was pleased to see New England still has McIntosh apples? My maiden name was McIntosh so of course I love them….I live in the Pacific Northwest and there are none! ????

  80. I have been baking single varietal pies for near 25 years and this is my list:

    1. Northern Spy
    2. Baldwin
    3.Rhode Island Greening
    4. Calville Blanc D’Iver
    5. Gravenstein
    6. Twenty Ounce
    7. Belle de Boskoop
    8. Esopus Spitzenburg
    9. Black Twig
    10. Bramley’s Seedling (made the best pie I’ve ever eaten but it’s hard to find)

    There’s lots of other good ones, but these are the varieties I return to again and again. And, of course, mixing and matching always works well too!

    1. And I almost forgot: If you’re using Macs in your pie and it’s not turning to mush then either you’re in denial or you’re not using Macs. Macintosh has very weak cell walls and they break down with the slightest application of heat. But I know, I know, people swear by them. My mother-in-law used to defend her Mac-only pies like Atticus Finch as I’d look down at the pie swamp on my plate and suggest maybe she use some Greening’s (considering she was from RI). To each their own.

      1. I like Cortland the best for pies. They are similar to Mcintosh for flavor, but hold up better (FYI: never precook Mcintosh or Cortlands when making a pie, but just layer them in the pie shell and sprinkle cinnamon and sugar on each layer.)

        1. Courtland sliced,sprinkled with sugar and cinnamon. Also pats of butter,the best there is! Juicy and delicious! Peal core and slice.

  81. Loved my moms apple pies, applesauce and apple crisp made with Golden Delicious apples but I learned when I moved to Ohio from SW PA that all apples are not created equal. Just like onion (think Vidalia), the soil plays a major part. I love GD apples from PA but not Ohio. My mom used to bring me a bushel when she came to visit at Thankgsgiving and she helped me make pies before the rest of the family arrived from back in PA. They were the best!

  82. The best applesauce I’ve ever had was made with Red Astrachans from my father-in-law’s orchard. No lemon juice needed, just pure delicious apple flavor, and the applesauce was a lovely pink. I still dream of it!

  83. My mother has been gone 20 years but my husband still misses her pies … Cartland’s and Macs. To use an old adage, if it’s not broken, don’t fix it!

  84. Macs ! my grandmother from Ireland who immigrated to MA always used macs.. 0ur 3rd and 4th generation still do. i lived in MA & VT everyone used Macs. ithink the issue with people saying mush…. Is you need to cut the apples in large pieces ,not slice or dice them . Do hot over bake. Almost 70 have never had my pie turn to mush 3 rd generation with grandmas pie. Peel cut in half then hold in hand cut into good size chunks around core. I lived in houston my mom in MA used to individually wrap each apple .. a bushel and mail them to me !

  85. I am from Northeast Maine, Near Machais, and my Mother used Dutch apples A little tart but a good pie apple. We had a tree in the field.

  86. Old Macs turn to mush Fresh macs do not and taste best. My mom and my wifes mom used macs and we never saw an apple sauce pie. I love my wife’s apple pie.

    1. I’ve been making macs for my apple pies and NEVER did they turn to applesauce. I’m originally from CT and never used another type of apple. When I lived in CA, one summer a bunch of gravensteins came into one
      market. I decided to try them on the advice of a produce fellow. The pie turned out fantastic, but that was the only time I saw them in a market all the time I lived in CA.
      looked them up, and it seems it’s difficult to find this apple, especially in the summer.

  87. I used a combination of Macaintosh and Macouns, and cut the macs in bigger chunks to mitigate the breakdown. Recently, I purchased a bag of Winesap apples at a local orchard. They were smaller and I figured they’d be tart but they were delicious and perfectly sweet. I was going to make pie but ended up making fresh applesauce instead!

  88. Where can I find Northern Spy within 90 min of Boston Nov 4, 1922. I’m 75 and have been making the same great apple pie as my great grandmother. I need help, please. Cherlyn Karagul, Milton Ma

  89. I use a combination of Macintosh, Cartland, golden delicious and Granny Smith, 2 of each and usually an extra cortland, the variety gives it a great flavor and texture!

  90. Love Winesap… made a great apple crisp with them and everyone raved. They are harvested closer to the end of season… grocery stores rarely have them… usually at orchards.

  91. I grew up using a combo of Mac and Cortland, then moved near a PYO orchard in Central Mass and discovered Gravensteins. They have been my go-to pie apple for 35 years.