Breakfast & Brunch



Coffee By Design | Portland, Maine

Photo Credit : Katherine Keenan

To welcome spring, residents of Rhode Island have traditionally taken part in a May feast. But no spring feast is complete without johnnycakes, made with meal from the local Kenyon Grist Mill. They might be old-fashioned, but these simple johnnycakes are a recipe you’ll want to pass on to your children. We recommend serving them with syrup and butter, but readers have found all sorts of creative ways to use these johnnycakes as a tasty snack or a hearty meal.


8 johnnycakes


1 cup Kenyon’s Johnnycake Meal*
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon sugar
boiling water


Combine first three ingredients. Pour boiling water over mixture very slowly, adding just enough to swell the meal. Let it sit several minutes, then add enough milk so mixture will drop from a spoon. Heat greased pancake griddle or iron skillet and spoon batter onto hot surface. Turn to brown other side. Serve with maple syrup and butter.

Yankee Magazine

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  1. This is a great recipe and a very simple one. It’s great with butter and syrup. Another way of preparing Johnny Cake is to bake it at a low temp such as 375.Done this way it becomes almost like corn bread.My great Nana from Barre, Massahcusetts used to make Johnny Cake all the time for her dog Snoopy — he loved it too! I definitely recommend this recipe.

  2. I, too, have been looking for a good recipe for this. My family really enjoyed it. We like to eat it with fresh blackeyed peas and green onions. Thanks!

  3. Growing up in Connecticut we would have Johnny Cakes as a side with mashed potatoes and dried beef gravy.

  4. We moved to SC 16 years ago and I would come back to Connecticut tomorrow if finances would allow.
    The wonderful old receipts keep us connected to New England. We finally found brown bread at a local market which was impossible before this year.
    The folks and traditions of the south are both sweet as can be but you can’t get the Yankee out of love for home.