Wild or cultivated, blueberries hold a seasonal joy all their own. Whether you pick them yourself or buy them from a local farm stand, fresh blueberries are a rite of summer in New England.
For a special treat, look for wild, or lowbush, berries from Maine. Maine produces 98 percent of the U.S. lowbush crop. And do indulge — these local favorites are proving to be an excellent source of phenolic compounds and other antioxidants, which are showing some success in preventing cardiovascular diseases and some cancers.
The best way to enjoy blueberries’ sweet, tart flavor, of course, is right out of your hand. But when you tire of purple fingers and find yourself with more than you can eat in one day, this recipe will bring the essence of summer into your kitchen.
Still have plenty of leftovers? Blueberries freeze well. Simply spread them on a baking sheet in a single layer and freeze. Once frozen, pop them into a plastic bag. Now you can hold summer any day of the year (although we’re willing to bet they won’t make it too far past Labor Day weekend).
Maine’s Blueberry Barrens
Raking Maine’s Blueberry BarrensPick blueberries in MaineMore blueberry recipesRECIPE