
Aunt Val’s New England Corned-Beef Dinner

This classic recipe for New England Corned Beef Dinner is a St. Patrick’s Day favorite. The extra-flavorful broth gives the meat a richer, clearer flavor.

New England Corned Beef Dinner Recipe

Coffee By Design | Portland, Maine

Photo Credit : Katherine Keenan

Yankee Magazine

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  1. I cook the corned beef two hours then add the carrots, cabbage, potatoes, onion
    and cook for two more hours. The cabbage gives everything in the pot a great
    flavor so I don’t find a need for all those other spices so the meal has a great
    natural flavor rather than covered up with a lot of unnecessary flavorings.

  2. that is essentially how i cook it, although i prefer cooking the meat for 3 hours and the other items for one hour or so. also, although savoy cabbage in costly, i prefer its texture and flavor to the usual green cabbage. both styles are winners.

  3. I read turnips as ingredients but not listed as to quantity in the list of vegetable ingredients in the article. Please let me know what Val would cook up and serve. Thanks.

    1. Hi Paul. Good catch! We’re sorry for the error. There should be 10 turnips. We’ve updated the recipe to show the correct list of ingredients. Thanks!

    1. Hi there. It should say “6 large cloves of garlic” — we will update the recipe. Thanks for bringing this to our attention!

  4. You want the best and easiest way to cook corned beef? Use a crock pot. Do NOT add water, the corned beef will make its own Trust me on this. Although you cannot overcook the beef, it should not take more than 6 or 8 hours , and you can add the carrots, potatoes, and if you want them, beets and the small white turnips to the crock pot at the 4 hour mark. Try Brussel Sprouts instead of cabbage. Yes, you can use the spice mixture packet that comes with the corned beef but I suggest washing the beef first to get rid of some of the salt. The beauty of this method is that you don’t wind up with “corned beef soup” that most of the liquid get thrown down the sink and you keep more flavor in the beef. And there will be plenty of liquid in the crock pot after, so do NOT add liquid. You do not need to float the corned beef in a swimming pool. You can even use the lesser amount of liquid from this method to quickly cook the vegetables if you don’t want to put them in with the corned beef. Once you try this easy walk away, go to work method you will not want to use the dutch oven, pressure cooker method ever again. Again, TRUST ME on this.

    1. Oh yes, onions and garlic, too, and if you want to get fancy you can select the smaller potatoes, boiler onions, and baby carrots of relatively the same size with the Brussel sprouts. Hey, have fun with it.

  5. I now use my instapot to make corned beef. Cuts cooking time down to 60-70 minutes for the meat, uses 1 cup of water. My son recently used the same recipe- we are both converts to this new method. No more all afternoon cooking!

  6. When cooking corn beef in a large stock pot do you have to keep adding water as it boils or should you just let it be while it’s simmering

  7. My favorite meal!! My mother always used a pressure cooker. Super tender and the whole house smelled great.