
Hildene | The Lincoln Family Summer Home in Manchester, VT

A visit to the house museum and gardens of Hildene, the Lincoln family “ancestral home” in the beautiful Green Mountain town of Manchester, Vermont.

Hildene | The Lincoln Family Summer Home in Manchester, VT

Coffee By Design | Portland, Maine

Photo Credit : Katherine Keenan

Tucked into the Green Mountains of southern Vermont, the town of Manchester has it all – the classic New England charm of steepled churches, historic inns, and an old-fashioned country store alongside the bustle of big-name retail outlet shopping and dozens of cafes and restaurants. Skiers head there in the winter to hit the slopes at Bromley and Stratton Mountains, leaf-peepers arrive with the foliage, and many a summer Sunday has been spent taking in the mountain views from the comfort of a B&B front porch. I headed to Manchester on a recent spring day to visit one the largest feathers in its cap – Hildene, the Lincoln family (yes, that Lincoln family) summer home.

Arriving ahead of schedule, we decided to do some wandering in Manchester Center. While it’s true that Manchester lures many shoppers with its outlet stores, there’s also room for plenty of smaller shops and family-owned eateries.

The view is also pretty spectacular.

Hildene, Manchester, VT
Manchester, VT is home to many shops and restaurants in a classic New England setting.
Photo Credit : Aimee Tucker

We were able to take in the spring flowers and sunshine while browsing in a classic souvenirs-meets-candy country store, art gallery, and consignment shop on Main Street.

Then it was on to Hildene. As someone passionate about New England and American history, I was excited to learn that there even was a slice of Lincoln in New England. As we drove past the historical marker and the house came into view, my excitement kicked up a notch.

Hildene, Manchester, VT
A historical marker welcomes visitors to Hildene.
Photo Credit : Aimee Seavey

But let’s back up a little…

In the summer of 1864 First Lady Mary Lincoln visited Manchester with her sons Robert and Tad to trade the summer heat of Washington (and no doubt, the stress of the Civil War) for the cool mountain breezes of southern Vermont. They stayed at the Equinox Hotel (still in operation today), and enjoyed it so much that the family made plans to visit again the following summer — this time with the President. According to the hotel’s history, a special suite was constructed in anticipation of the President’s visit, but it was not to be. He was assassinated the following April.

Still, the beauty and tranquility of Vermont must have stuck with Robert, the Lincoln’s only child to live to adulthood. Some forty years later, he purchased 500 acres in Vermont (412 of which remain today) and began building a “summer home” for his family. Lincoln called it “Hildene” from an old English word meaning hill and valley with stream, and in 1905 the family moved in. The Lincolns spent an enormous amount of time (sometimes up to 8 months a year) at Hildene, and continued to live there until the next-to-last Lincoln descendant died at Hildene in 1975. Thankfully, the local non-profit “Friends of Hildene” raised the money to purchase the estate in 1978 and began the long process of restoring the home and gardens.

Today, guests are greeted by the wonderful Hildene staff at the Oscar V. Johnson Jr. Welcome Center. Inside is a gift shop with small clustered tables artfully displaying gifts in a variety of themes relating to the work done at Hildene — things like nature, history, food, children’s learning, and Vermont-made products. You can also purchased cheese made from Hildene’s very own cows and goats!

Hildene, Manchester, VT
The Welcome Center at Hildene.
Photo Credit : Aimee Seavey

Our first stop was to visit Sunbeam, Hildene’s prized Pullman car. In addition to being Secretary of War under Rutherford B. Hayes, Robert Lincoln was later president of the Pullman Company, which manufactured railroad cars. Sunbeam dates back to 1888 and was meticulously restored and brought to Hildene in 2011, where it is considered the finest example of a wooden Pullman car on display. While the car serves as a memento of a period of Lincoln’s life, it also represents a larger, complicated piece of social history. During the Gilded Age, more than 100,000 people across the country slept on Pullman cars like Sunbeam, where they were waited on by over-worked and underpaid African-American “Pullman porters.”

Hildene, Manchester, VT
Hildene’s prized Pullman car, Sunbeam.
Photo Credit : Aimee Seavey
Strolling through Sunbeam is marvelous for anyone who has ever read a book or seen a movie where characters from the late 19th and early 20th century travel by train. The gleaming wood, plush seats, window shades, pull-down sleeper compartments, and overall swankiness is like nothing seen today. Equally compelling is the jarring change from splendid to spartan when crossing into the “Employees Only” section of the car.
Hildene, Manchester, VT
Hildene’s Pullman Sunbeam offers a unique Gilded Age social perspective.
Photo Credit : Aimee Seavey
Hildene, Manchester, VT
In comparison, the “Employees Only” section of the car was spartan in its decor.
Photo Credit : Aimee Seavey

After leaving Sunbeam we headed up to the 24-room Georgian Revival house. There are many walking trails surrounding Hildene, and responsible picnicking is allowed. I’ll remember that for next time! You’re welcome to walk from site to site, but transportation is provided at regular intervals for those needing (or wanting) assistance.

The sky held some threatening rainclouds, but the early-spring sunshine won out.

Hildene, Manchester, VT
Spring dandelions dot the front lawn of Hildene.
Photo Credit : Aimee Seavey

Before entering the house, take note of the rectangle of bricks in the lawn in front of the main entrance. They represent the size of the original cabin President Lincoln was born in — an astonishing comparison next to the grand house.

Hildene, Manchester, VT
In front of Hildene, bricks outline the size of Abraham Lincoln’s original log cabin.
Photo Credit : Aimee Seavey

Unfortunately, photography inside the house is not allowed, but a collection of rooms (bedrooms, dining room, kitchen, study, parlor, library, etc.) are preserved with meticulous detail and care featuring the original furnishings and family effects. The museum’s collection includes a prized 1908 Aeolian pipe organ (complete with 242 rolls), and one of only three known existing stovepipe hats belonging to Abraham Lincoln, as well as one of his bibles.

The formal gardens behind the house, designed as a birthday gift by Robert’s daughter for her mother, include many of the original plantings from 1907.

Hildene, Manchester, VT
The spring sun shines behind Hildene.
Photo Credit : Aimee Seavey

The most celebrated feature of Hildene’s gardens are its peonies, which earned it a spot on our list of the Best Spring Flower Festivals in New England. Thousands bloom each June, so my visit was just a few weeks too early, but yours could be right on time!

Hildene, Manchester, VT
Try and plan your visit to Hildene when the garden’s prized peonies are in bloom.
Photo Credit : Aimee Seavey

The view or the surrounding mountains is gorgeous. You can see how easy it must have been for members of the Lincoln family to sit and look out the window or stroll the gardens in the summer. We soaked it up for as long as possible, stopping to visit Robert’s observatory (he was an astronomy enthusiast) before heading home.

Hildene, Manchester, VT
A curved rock wall on the edge of the garden offers splendid mountain views.
Photo Credit : Aimee Tucker

As we left Manchester we made sure to drive past the Equinox — that first spot the Lincoln family visited in 1864. Today it stands as impressive as ever.

Hildene, Manchester, VT
The Equinox Hotel, which first brought the Lincoln family to Manchester in 1864.
Photo Credit : Aimee Seavey

This, too, is easy to picture — Mary Lincoln visiting the Equinox with her sons, enjoying the beauty of Vermont, and making plans for the years after Washington and the war. She hoped to return with her whole family, but instead it was Robert who brought the Lincoln family back to Vermont. After more than twenty “summers” at his beloved Hildene he died there in 1926. Who says there’s no Lincoln in New England? You’ll find plenty of it at Hildene.

In addition to tours of Sunbeam, the house, and gardens, Hildene is also home to the Rowland Agricultural Center — a solar-powered barn where they herd animals and make cheese — as well as numerous school and camp programs. Learn more by visiting them online at

This post was first published in 2013 and has been updated. 

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Aimee Tucker

More by Aimee Tucker

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  1. I am a distant cousin of Abraham Lincoln – 2nd cousin, 7 times removed – as our family descended from Virginia John Lincoln of Harrisonburg, Va., Abraham’s great grandfather. A friend who is a Lincoln buff and Civil War buff has found this link for me of Hildene. We knew OF it but never saw a picture or knew much about it. We would like to plan a trip to stay at the Equinox and tour Hildene. Can you send me any literature (brochures, etc) regarding either?

    Thank you kindly,
    Mary Lincoln Hampton
    2717 Merry Oaks Trail
    Winston Salem, N.C. 27103

  2. Makes me want to return to Western Mass/VT and see more history! Looks wonderful. If you’re ever in Virginia, please come and visit Poplar Forest, Thomas Jefferson’s Retreat in Bedford County/Forest, VA.

  3. Mary – If I were you, I’d just check the websites for those places and request them personally. You can give them your info, and they’ll send them directly.

  4. This is a “must see” museum with a beautiful – peaceful setting and Hildene & Manchester village remain a favorite Vermont attraction for a Vermonter @ heart.

    1. Hi Steve. During the time of my visit, the organ was there. I believe it is still demonstrated at select times. I would reach out to the museum directly for more information. Thanks!

  5. I read with interest your history of the inn…when I saw the second picture with
    “the old Colonial Hardware” remains on the doors adding to the room’s character…I immediately saw images…looks like in the larger panel on the bedroom door
    there is a gentleman on the right..dark hair and jacket…on the left of him is a image of a lady…she’s shorter and wearing a long dress…maybe it’s the lighting but I didn’t have a hard time seeing these images at all.
    I’m interested in the Lincoln family history as I have a genuine signed Sarah Lincoln sampler dated 1776. Experts say the homespun material is from New England.

  6. What a marvelous presentation to attract us to where the Lincolns could find some peace after the Civil War and the tragic death of such a SPECIAL PRESIDENT

  7. The garden is amazing – I was lucky enough to see it in June 2005 when the beautiful peonies were in bloom along with many other unusual perennials including pale yellow monkshood that you seldom see in gardens. There’s also a wonderful bookstore, Northshire Books, in the town of Manchester. It’s a great area to visit.