Wayne Curtis


Beyond Acadia | A Summer Exploration of Coastal Northern Maine

Venturing beyond Acadia reveals a world unlike any other in New England.

Yankee Magazine

The Tinkerer of Dickinson’s Reach

Five wheelbarrows are scattered haphazardly around a large ground-floor workshop in an eccentric, circular building in the woods just a two-minute walk from Maine’s rocky coastline. None of the wheelbarrows looks like the others, and frankly, none looks much like a wheelbarrow. They’re all handmade, four of them by a man named Bill Coperthwaite. (The […]

Yankee Magazine

The Education of Raj Bhakta

“Here, take some firewood,” says Raj Bhakta as he offers me a chunk of maple. I tell him, thanks, no, I’ve got plenty at home. He stares at me for an incredulous moment, then says, “No, take it” (the stupid is silent). “We’re going to the top of the hill.” So I grab the log […]


Moose Safari | Spotting Maine’s Majestic Wildlife

We’re rounding a gentle meander on Socatean Stream, a remote and narrow tributary that empties into the wild northwest corner of Moosehead Lake. My guide is deftly piloting his pontoon boat up a winding and elusive channel edged with the bleached skeletons of ancient stumps and floating mats of rustling grasses. Even hard-core city dwellers […]

Gorham Mountain first light, Autumn, Acadia National Park
Yankee Magazine

Acadia National Park

Acadia National Park’s landscape is so mesmerizing it will take your breath away. When people think of Acadia, they think of it mostly as a refuge for nature; it’s been viewed as such since the first artists from Eastern Seaboard cities ventured here in the 1840s. But Acadia is no more a work of pure […]

boat on shore
Yankee Magazine

Wild Lakes in New England

One afternoon last August, I set off up West Grand Lake in eastern Maine, my kayak loaded with enough food and gear for two nights of island camping. No sooner had I dipped my paddle, though, than four canoes occupied by eight beefy guys pushed off from the shore nearby. Loaded with brightly colored coolers, […]

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