R. Wayne Mezitt

Field Vole

Get Rid of Voles

We’d like to get rid of voles in our yard without using poison, as we have rabbits and other animals around. — M.S., Westford, MA Voles (field mice) build tunnels in the landscape and lawn and can cause considerable damage to root systems, stems, and other plant parts. Vole populations are cyclical and encouraged by […]


Prevent Pest Damage to Hollyhocks

I had gorgeous hollyhocks for years, but this year a half-inch bug took up residence in the double ones, beginning with the leaves. How can I prevent pest damage to my hollyhocks next spring? — Sister A.C., Lake Ronkonkoma, NY A number of insects can damage hollyhocks: among them, the hollyhock sawfly, the red-banded leafroller […]

Yankee Magazine

Control Lily Leaf Beetles | Gardening Advice

The leaves on my lily plants are all tattered and chewed. I noticed small bright-orange/red beetles on them, and also gooey black insects under the leaves. What should I do? Both the grub (larva) and adult lily leaf beetle (also called the Asiatic lily beetle) feed on true lilies (not daylilies) in spring and summer. […]

Japanese knotweed dt

Japanese Knotweed | Garden Solutions

A tall, grassy plant we call “bamboo” has been spreading like wildfire near a brook on our property, and we can’t control it. We don’t want to use anything that will affect our water, wells, or wildlife. — P.D.S., Agawam, MA Polygonum cuspidatum, commonly known as Japanese knotweed or Japanese bamboo, was introduced from eastern […]


Are Daylily Buds Edible | Gardening Question

Are daylily buds edible? How do you cook them? — F.P., Berlin, NH The flower buds, flowers, leaves, and even roots of the daylily (Hemerocallis) are universally considered edible. But with any new food, it’s always prudent to try a small amount first in case your system reacts differently. Some people, for example, may have […]

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