Block Island Greenway Trails
Visitors can walk along greenways that make up a trail system that comprises 28 miles–on an island of 10 square miles a dozen miles out in the Atlantic.
Visitors can walk along greenways that make up a trail system that comprises 28 miles–on an island of 10 square miles a dozen miles out in the Atlantic.
Here’s how you find snorkeling in the “garden” in the ocean near Block Island. It’s about 250 paces from my cubicle at the Block Island Times, out the back door, across Corn Neck Road, and down the sand-dune path lined with Rosa rugosa, where I come to Crescent Beach. There’s nothing between me and Portugal. […]
Cabdriver Oscar “O.J.” Berlin knows how to take a show on the road. After all, he once led tours for the Bolshoi, Kirov, and Royal ballet companies. On his island tours he’s been known to croon “Smilin’ Through” as he cruises past the pretty cottage where Arthur A. Penn composed it in 1918. Block Island […]