Erin Byers Murray

peas in plate
Yankee Magazine

Homegrown: Green Peas

More recipes: Recipes with Fresh Peas While still awaiting New England’s leafy greens and brimming farmers’ markets, you can taste the season’s warmth with the arrival of crisp and crunchy spring peas. You can plant this fast-growing, cool-weather legume (Pisum sativum) as soon as the soil is workable. Delivered Daily: New England Recipes and Tried […]

Yankee Magazine

Homegrown: Free-Range Turkey

Just in time for another jam-packed holiday season, supermarket shelves are lined with big, fat turkeys. You could grab one of these birds for only 99 cents a pound — but that won’t buy you much flavor. This year, we recommend tracking down a free-range turkey from a local farm. Why, when price and convenience […]