How to Control Invasive Bittersweet | Gardening Advice
Oriental bittersweet (Celastrus orbiculatus) is an invasive vine that’s become a serious threat to some of our natural habitats in New England. Find out how to control it from spreading too far.
By R. Wayne Mezitt|May 27 2021|
Coffee By Design | Portland, Maine
Photo Credit : Katherine Keenan
How to Control Invasive Bittersweet What can I do to manage the bittersweet entangling the bank at the back of my house and climbing the bushes and pine trees? I’m 87 years old, and it’s hard to get at it. — Mrs. A, Ludlow, MA
Oriental bittersweet (Celastrus orbiculatus) is an invasive vine that’s become a serious threat to some of our natural habitats in New England. Although each plant is relatively easy to control individually, the species produces profuse suckers and countless seedlings that make management a challenge. Get some professional help to control your established vines. Because problems with invasive plants have now become so widespread, there are businesses that specialize in removing invasive plants for homeowners. Check at your local garden center for recommendations.
I know of no biological controls for this pest. The best way to manage bittersweet is to physically remove the plants, including the root systems, and follow up every year or two by pulling out the new seedlings before they grow too large. To remove established vines, cut the stems near the ground and pull down the tops of the vines, or simply let them dry where they are. Then pull up all the orange-colored roots and leave them to air-dry on the ground. (Bittersweet vines can sprout from any root piece remaining in the ground.)
A more effective alternative to physical removal of the roots is to carefully apply a systemic chemical herbicide to the just-cut stem. This process has minimal impact on the environment and can be done at any time of year, but is easiest while the vines are dormant in winter, late fall, or early spring. Be sure to wear protective clothing and follow all precautions on the label.
— R. Wayne Mezitt, Chairman, Weston Nurseries, Hopkinton, MA
This process has minimal impact on the environment.” Have you found a safe systemic herbicide that works on tough vines like bittersweet and poison ivy? I won’t use Roundup, and haven’t been able to find anything else that didn’t also have one or another highly suspect chemical in it. Those two pest plants laugh at the old vinegar and dish soap mixture. Suggestions appreciated; the bittersweet’s especially energetic this year, and it’s only late May!
I’ve had success spraying – carefully – bittersweet leaves, and stems/stumps after cutting, with a mixture of chlorine bleach and dish liquid. For barberry, I use either the bleach solution or a solution of horticultural vinegar and dish liquid. It takes more than a few applications, but it does finally work, and once the plants are dead, they are somewhat easier to pull out. Eternal vigilance, though.
So great to see that people are thinking to manage on individual properties. Yet I am heartbroken about the spread of bittersweet throughout western Massachusetts. It is up and down 91, has taken root on rt 2, it’s on local highways and is creeping ever closer to the mountains and state forests. My neighborhood is also getting engulfed and it seems like so many people and our state are just looking the other way. It has tripled from last year. Does anyone know how we can get our state to take action? We will lose our trees soon if someone doesn’t step in to protect our communal environment!
Rachel, I share your concern. It is a battle in my own yard. I am worried that our trees will be destroyed as I see them being strangled. Perhaps we could write our elected officials to take action before it’s too late.
Denise, Chicopee
I do constant battle with bittersweet, both pulling up smaller plants by the root and whacking off larger stem with loppers or even my chain saw. The stuff is impossible to eradicate, but at least I feel like I’m slowing it down.
I inherited property in Ware MA that hasn’t been maintained for 60 years. You would not believe the destruction the Oriental bittersweet has caused. I’ve been battling it for 2 1/2 years now and know I will battle it for the rest of my life here. So many trees have been strangled and killed and have been cut down. I have tons of pictures of before and after (more like during). The root systems seem never ending. Sometimes I’ll pull up the entire root system and other times I’ll just cut them and spray with RM-43 (works pretty well). I have sympathy for all with asiatic bittersweet.
Re: “systemic chemical herbicide” – Do you know of a safe one? I will not use Round-Up.
Not roundup. Put a drop of Tordon on the cut stem.
Tordon can be hard to find. Amazon won’t ship it to Massachusetts. Tractor Supply will ship-to-store at no charge.
This process has minimal impact on the environment.” Have you found a safe systemic herbicide that works on tough vines like bittersweet and poison ivy? I won’t use Roundup, and haven’t been able to find anything else that didn’t also have one or another highly suspect chemical in it. Those two pest plants laugh at the old vinegar and dish soap mixture. Suggestions appreciated; the bittersweet’s especially energetic this year, and it’s only late May!
I’ve had success spraying – carefully – bittersweet leaves, and stems/stumps after cutting, with a mixture of chlorine bleach and dish liquid. For barberry, I use either the bleach solution or a solution of horticultural vinegar and dish liquid. It takes more than a few applications, but it does finally work, and once the plants are dead, they are somewhat easier to pull out. Eternal vigilance, though.
So great to see that people are thinking to manage on individual properties. Yet I am heartbroken about the spread of bittersweet throughout western Massachusetts. It is up and down 91, has taken root on rt 2, it’s on local highways and is creeping ever closer to the mountains and state forests. My neighborhood is also getting engulfed and it seems like so many people and our state are just looking the other way. It has tripled from last year. Does anyone know how we can get our state to take action? We will lose our trees soon if someone doesn’t step in to protect our communal environment!
Rachel Shelburne Falls
Rachel, I share your concern. It is a battle in my own yard. I am worried that our trees will be destroyed as I see them being strangled. Perhaps we could write our elected officials to take action before it’s too late.
Denise, Chicopee
I do constant battle with bittersweet, both pulling up smaller plants by the root and whacking off larger stem with loppers or even my chain saw. The stuff is impossible to eradicate, but at least I feel like I’m slowing it down.
I inherited property in Ware MA that hasn’t been maintained for 60 years. You would not believe the destruction the Oriental bittersweet has caused. I’ve been battling it for 2 1/2 years now and know I will battle it for the rest of my life here. So many trees have been strangled and killed and have been cut down. I have tons of pictures of before and after (more like during). The root systems seem never ending. Sometimes I’ll pull up the entire root system and other times I’ll just cut them and spray with RM-43 (works pretty well). I have sympathy for all with asiatic bittersweet.