New England

Peak Perfection | How to Find Peak Foliage Color in New England

As the fall foliage display makes its spectacular journey from northern elevations to valleys and shorelines, these seven hot spots along the way will keep you in the thick of color.

Coffee By Design | Portland, Maine

Photo Credit : Katherine Keenan

When it comes to fall foliage displays, New England is a rare smorgasbord: You can whet your appetite in the northern high elevations, feast on the color as it rolls down into the valleys, and come back for dessert along the southern shores. From late September all through October, gorgeous color is never far away—and in the following pages, you’ll discover some of our favorite places to hit the peak.


Early Peak (September 22–October 6, 2018)

Middle Peak (September 29–October 13, 2018)

Late Peak (October 13–27, 2018)

Yankee Magazine

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  1. If you want to see dazzling foliage without the traffic and crowds, check out this route through some of the prettiest — and lightly visited — parts of Vermont. Start in St. Johnsbury, just off Rt. 91 on the Northeast Kingdom’s southern edge. Take Rt.2 East to Rt. 102 North along the Connecticut River. Go all the way to Canaan and from there take Rt. 114 West to Averill, where you can stay in Quimby Country, Vermont’s oldest sporting camp and the perfect base to explore the area on both sides of the Canadian border. A cottage on Forest Lake goes for as little as $99 a night for a couple, continental breakfast included.From there, you can bike or hike along lumber trails and paths that run deep into the surrounding forests. Paddle on quiet lakes reflecting the autumn colors. Or cross the border for dinner in the Eastern Townships. (Bring your passport.) All before continuing your foliage tour the next morning by heading west on Rt. 114 to Norton and south to Island Pond, East Burke, Lyndonville, and where you started in St. Johnsbury. Round trip (not counting a stay at Quimby Country) is 3 hours, but you’ll find plenty of reasons to stop along the way in both directions. Many of the small villages you pass through will be alive with harvest festivals, church suppers, bake sales, craft shows, tag sales, and entertainment, ranging from rubber duck races to cow plop bingo.

  2. Will be driving in Buffalo Niagra Falls and Ontario Niagra Oct 7,8 2018. Where will we see the best fall colors?

  3. Going to Niagara Falls but want to drive through the New England states & then to canada side of the falls What dates would be best to see the Bright red, orange & whatever other colors fall foliage at they peak driving through New England. We will be coming from Illinois..what routes best?

  4. Planning a trip to New England the 3rd week of October… will there still be a chance to see any fall foliage and what route would you suggest? Thx so much

  5. Hoping to visit New England in early October! This article was very helpful as my husband’s resistance is re: crowds of visitors! I think he will love this route! Thanks again!
    Karen in East Texas????