New England

Prettiest Lakes in New England

Looking for crystal-clear freshwater lakes? We’ve rounded up ten of the prettiest lakes in New England, all of which are definitely worth a visit.

Prettiest Lakes in New England

Coffee By Design | Portland, Maine

Photo Credit : Katherine Keenan

Crystal-clear freshwater lakes are tucked throughout the verdant landscape of our region. Some are small enough to hike around, while others stretch to the horizon. Here are ten of the prettiest lakes in New England that are definitely worth a visit.

Prettiest Lakes in New England | Newfound Lake in Bristol, New Hampshire
Prettiest Lakes in New England | Newfound Lake in Bristol, New Hampshire
Photo Credit : Photo by Magicpiano / CC BY-SA 4.0

Prettiest Lakes in New England

Newfound Lake (at Wellington State Park)
Bristol, New Hampshire

Set amidst fresh-scented, hemlock-covered mountains in the center of the state’s Lakes Region, this deep-water glacial lake — approximately two-and-a-half miles wide and seven miles in length — boasts the largest freshwater swimming beach in the New Hampshire State Park system.

SEE MORE: Newfound Lake | The Most Beautiful Lake in New Hampshire

Prettiest Lakes in New England | Kezar Lake in Lovell, Maine
Photo Credit : User Submitted/Pam Bliss

Kezar Lake
Lovell, Maine

Tucked into the foothills of the White Mountains in western Maine, this deep and crystal-clear lake twists through the landscape for approximately ten miles, creating a series of bays and coves that attract nesting loons and thirsty moose. Visitors enjoy boating, swimming, and fishing for bass, lake trout and salmon.

Lake Waramaug
Kent, Connecticut

Named after an Indian chief of the Wyantenock tribe and known for its sandy beaches and pristine water, this S-shaped lake is located in the rolling forested hills of rural Litchfield County. Visitors today enjoy a peaceful retreat for swimming, fishing, boating, and camping at Lake Waramaug State Park.

Prettiest Lakes in New England
Prettiest Lakes in New England | Squam Lake in New Hampshire
Photo Credit : NHDTTD/ Dale Lary

Squam Lake
Ashland/Holderness/Sandwich/Center Harbor/Moultonborough, New Hampshire

The picturesque setting for the 1981 film On Golden Pond, the second largest lake in the state — boasting 61 miles of rocky shoreline — oozes low-key charm for those who love kayaking, canoeing, or lolling on docks in the sun.

SEE MORE: Call of the Wild | Loons on Squam Lake

Watchaug Pond
Charlestown, Rhode Island

A scenic 573-acre kettle pond surrounded by acres of rocky woodlands in Burlingame State Park, abutting the Audubon Society’s Kimball Wildlife Refuge. A popular spot for swimming, fishing, camping, picnicking, and hiking an extensive network of trails. 

Lake Willoughby
Prettiest Lakes in New England | Lake Willoughby in Westmore, Vermont
Photo Credit : User Submitted/Mark Ahlers

Lake Willoughby
Westmore, Vermont

For breathtakingly stunning vistas, get thee to Vermont’s Northeast Kingdom where the deep glacial waters of Lake Willoughby are framed by the soaring granite cliffs of Mount Hor and Mount Pisgah. Enjoy boating, fishing, and public beaches (for an icy-cold swim) at the north and south shores.

Learn more: Lake Willoughby, Vermont | Great Views Lake

The famous leaning tree at Lake St. Catherine State Park
Prettiest Lakes in New England | The famous leaning tree at Lake St. Catherine State Park
Photo Credit : Evan Masseau

Lake St. Catherine
Poultney, Vermont

Set in the gently rolling, green hills of western Vermont, close to the New York State border, the five-mile-long waterway is easily accessed at Lake St. Catherine State Park. In addition to a popular camping area, visitors can picnic, swim, rent boats and fish at this idyllic lake.

Benedict Pond
Monterey, Massachusetts

Nestled in the bucolic forests of the southern Berkshire mountains, the 35-acre Benedict Pond offers stunning views in the heart of Beartown State Forest. Nature lovers enjoy swimming, boating, fishing and walking the 1.7-mile trail circling the pond.

Prettiest Lakes in New England
Prettiest Lakes in New England | Walden Pond in Concord, Massachusetts
Photo Credit : Bethany Bourgault

Walden Pond
Concord, Massachusetts

Who doesn’t love Walden Pond? Made immortal by the 19th-century writings of Henry David Thoreau, the pond today is enjoyed by visitors who flock to swim the 102-foot deep glacial kettle-hole pond located within 335 acres of protected open space on the Walden Pond State Reservation.

SEE MORE: Walden Pond | A Whimsical Walk through Nature and History

Which lake tops your list of the prettiest lakes in New England?

This article was first published in 2015 and has been updated. 

See More:

10 Prettiest Mountain Towns in New England

10 Prettiest Coastal Towns in New England

10 Prettiest Beaches in New England

Necee Regis

More by Necee Regis

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  1. Thank you so much for this list. I love lakes even more than I love the ocean. Your report inspires me to check out those I do not know yet.
    My favorite lake is Middle Pond Lake on Fishers Island off the coast of CT (ferry from New London).

  2. There are several much more beautiful lakes then those on this list. Moosehead Lake is ahead of several on this list as well as Rangely Lake, Sebec Lake and Upper and Lower Richardson Lake all in Maine.

    1. Pontoosuc Lake, Lanesboro, MA is among the most beautiful lakes in New England. I spend many a happy summer as a child and before all the development marred the area. It has two islands in the middle and is surrounded by mountains with a view of Mt Greylock.

  3. No Webster Lake? Won’t even try to spell the Native American name. Have fond memories of family reunions at my relatives house on Kill Deer Island swimming and listening to the music wafting over from Indian Ranch.

  4. My favorite lake is is Sebago Lake, ME
    I grew up swimming and picnicking and making wonderful memories. Beautiful, clean and a great place for various water sports.

    1. Been to Sebago MANY times and the lake, itself, is a gem. Too bad that it has become, over the years, WAY too over-commercialized which, for many, takes away the wildness and simplicity of the place. Seeing malls and retail sprawl nearby spoils the wilderness experience.

  5. We own a cottage on Merry Meeting lake in new Durham NH
    It’s one of the cleanest lakes in the USA!!!
    I’ll be happy to submit a picture!

  6. The lakes of Piscataquis County in Maine, a county the size of Connecticut with a population of 16,000 people…thats getting away!

  7. could someone please help me? i am looking for a hidden lake with one of those wooden docks that you would see kids jumping off of into a lake in one of those commercials on television. i would love to find a place like that for my family. either vermont or new hampshire would be ideal. thank you

  8. I am glad to say that the lake that I think is the prettiest isn’t on this list. And I’m not telling anyone which one it is.

    1. I know where it is, and I’ll never tell either. Who in their right minds would wamy to share a special place, to unleash more pollution or for commercial interests?

  9. Lake Quassapaug in Middlebury, Connecticut is gorgeous! All natural, spring fed, even has an amusement park on it’s shores! Quassy Amusement Park, 110 years old, used to be a trolley park!

    1. How I agree! I am 85 and learned to swim at Quassy, via Red Cross lessons in the ’40s! Such happy memories of a beautiful old hometown!

    2. Went there all the time in the 50s and 60s class trips. Spend $8 in arcade one year got a few trinkets. Teacher was shocked I spent that much money back in the 1957.

  10. Sebago, Moosehead, Mooselookmeguntic in the Rangeley Lakes also good fishing, all in the great State of Maine. Wonderful childhood memories, especially of Sebago Lake!

    1. Mooselookmeguntic!!! Shores littered with beautiful driftwood. So natural and private wilderness.

  11. Spent 12 summers (8 Weeks a year) at a YMCA Camp Belknap, on Lake Winnipesaukee, in Wolfboro, N H. Most beautiful lake in the state.

  12. Great East Lake in Wakefield NH/ Acton Maine. The state line runs through it. Class A spring fed lake with a beautiful river feeding it as well.

  13. Highland Lake in Winchester, CT. 7 miles around 2 beaches, and boat ramp. Beautiful sunrises, and sunsets daily. Nestled right in the foothills of the Berkshires.

  14. Lovell Lake in Sanbornville, NH. A beautiful spring-fed lake on the Maine state line, just south of Ossipee.

    1. I was surprised that none of the Rangeley Lakes were included. But let’s not tell them. I’ve been blessed to go there for over 60 years and, as Reader L points out above, they’re just awful and everyone should stay away! 😉

  15. I fully expected to see Thompson Lake in Maine on this list. Beautifully clear, 13 miles long and deep. Fantastic sunsets!

    1. Shhhhh. Thompson is awful. Stay away. You wouldn’t like it. Trust me, I’ve been coming here for thirty years and I hate it!

  16. Long Lake running from Naples to Harrison/Bridgeton in Maine was our familys go-to vacation spot back to the 1940’s and my parents and my honeymoon place,.

  17. My grandfather used to say we never had mosquitoes until people from (guess?) started coming up here. Please don’t share the secret places. That’s what makes them sacred (secret).

  18. I am somewhat more than a little surprised that China Lake, jn Maine, did not make your list. I have beautifully endearing childhood memories of my early summers spent there.

  19. I grew up on one of those lakes in Piscataquis county, Maine….and am so homesick most of the time , would give about anything to spend a lazy after noon on the dock..have supper of fresh fried white perch and then take the rowboat out and catch some more perch while watching a glorious sunset ! Heaven on earth ! All of those Maine lakes are wonderful !

  20. Living in the shadow of Mt. Cardigan, and only 4 miles from Newfound Lake, I feel like the luckiest person alive. You definitely got it right!

  21. How Lake Champlain or lake Memphremagog didn’t make this list leads me to believe Yankee Magazine is a Communist publication 😉

  22. I grew up summering on Lake Dunmore near Middlebury, Vermont. With the Green Mountains as a backdrop, it was the canvas of my childhood. All these years later looking to retire in such a setting. The sacred family memories never fade….remain in the blood!

    1. Yes, I agree John. Lake Dunmore is a special, bucolic body of water which provides an expansive view and access to the Moosamaloo Wilderness.

    2. I grew up at Waterhouse’s. Margaret Waterhouse was my grandmother’s sister and the beach was in my family for 3 generations, so I consider Lake Dunmore “my lake”. I can still sit on the shore and just gaze at it for hours.

  23. West Grand Lake in Grand Lake Stream Maine is a huge mostly wilderness lake with transparent water, fantastic fishing and very few people. It probably missed the list as Downeaster is not well known for its halfdozen large pristine lakes.

    1. This is subject to debate, Janet. Lake Winnie has much beauty but overcrowding and overcommercialization keep many away. Part of the allure of New England lakes is their “wildness”. Not much near Lake Winnie.

      1. Lake Winnipesaukee has plenty of wilderness and lots to do after the canoe trip. It is surrounded by mountains and quaint villages. The photo you show of Lake Squam could just as soon be Lake Winnipesaukee (in fact, I suspect it may be).

      2. Winnipesaukee was not mentioned because it is overcrowded. What do you think can happen to these lakes now that more people know about them. I like the way Rick handled it a few comments down!

  24. Sebago Lake is a wonderful Lake. My in laws had three different cottages over many yrs and we had great memories from those years.

    1. Have spent two weeks each year for the last 31 years lakefront at the same cottage on Frye Island in Sebago. It’s clear, clean and beautiful. Beats a pond any day!

  25. Think you should leave 10 best out of most of items you list in NE as most of NE is hard to match as an area in US. i have traveled all 50 states and every state has great areas and best is really in the beholders view. John

  26. did you not consider Belgrade Lakes,Heaven on earth, do pay a visit to this area if you appreciate the way life used to be, untouched and friendly,

  27. I am very happy that the ‘lake’ I consider the best in New England was not mentioned. It is idyllic and I will never tell the public where it is. It shall remain intimate for those of us who do know where it is and never crowded.

    1. I too know of a lake as you described. I go to “the lake” often and whenever people ask me where it is, I ALWAYS say ” I could tell you but I’d have to kill you”.

      1. Hi Pam. Your photo was submitted to the Yankee Magazine user-submitted photo gallery in 2010. Here’s a link to the photo post: When we moved the site from to a few years ago, we removed the photo gallery section of the site, but the photos still remain as posts and are occasionally used to illustrate travel posts about New England. Photographer credit is always clearly given. If you would like your photo removed from this post we would be happy to substitute it with another one. We apologize for any confusion. Thanks!

  28. I live just up the road from Lake Winnipesakee, and it wonderful to sit outside at night and listen to the loons talking back and forth.

  29. Glad to see that Nubanusit didn’t make the list. Good thing, ’cause you can’t get there from here.

  30. With so many incredible lakes in New England, there was no need to expand your list to include ponds.

  31. Echo Lake in Franconia is gorgeous! It has a great beach and it’s so shallow the water is wonderful for swimming.

  32. Thanks for revealing this information to more people. Now the limited public access will be further overburdened and the qualities that made these places special become fleeting!

  33. An absolutely wonderful collection, but I agree, some of them are overcrowded. However, you missed the most beautiful of all: Webb Lake in Weld, Maine! It’s awesome and fairly shallow (44′ at its deepest), so warms up beautifully for comfortable swimming, and fed by seven mountain streams and endless springs!

  34. A lot of people seem to be offended because their favorite lake was not mentioned in the article, “Prettiest Lakes In New England”. Perhaps, future articles could just be listed as “Some of the Prettiest Lakes Found In New England”. Maybe that would ease up some of the controversy. Then people can still mention their favorites, too. Just a suggestion for “Yankee”.

  35. We discovered Lake Dunmore In Salisbury VT 4 years ago and fell in love with the clear, clean warm water against the backdrop of the Green Mts. There is Waterhouse’s Marina and campground and Paddlers Pub, a State boat launch, a boys and a girls camp, a campground called Kampersville and the most visited Vermont state park, Branbury State Park on the east side. Oh and a general store open to the public at Kampersville. So much charm, history and beauty! We open our cottage this coming weekend for the season. Can’t wait!

  36. When I was young my father took my new brother-i-law to his favorite Trout stream. In a short time the place was crowded and fished out. I don’t think our lakes are as nice as those outside of New Hampshire

  37. Would love to find a place in Maine for my three sisters to stay for a month in Sept -October that is reasonable it is on my bucket list to spend a month in Maine with my sisters we are all getting older and don’t have that many years left to do this together ,I would love to be in a beach house or on a lake but close to all the sweet towns we are all from California .

  38. I can’t believe you didn’t have Chocorua on your list. It’s a serene, easily accessible lake with a gorgeous view of Mt Chocorua.

  39. I grew up on China Lake until we moved in 1943. I learned to swim and canoe on that lake and loved hearing the loons. I remember my mother sitting by the dining table when a storm was about to cross the lake and holding me in my lap explained what was happening and I loved every minute of it.

  40. Interesting side note on Squam Lake, which I visited 3 or 4 years after “On Golden Pond” was filmed. The owner of the cottage used in the film, had the upper story removed, after the film makers had added it on for the film…

  41. I spent many happy times with my family at Newfound Lake. Wellington State Park was the perfect place for a family day out. Thanks for the happy memories Newfound Lake!

  42. Lake Ossipee is beautiful as well. My beloved aunt’s parents had a summer home at the lake they left to my aunt and uncle. My aunt sadly passed away last April. My uncle is 93 and still spending his summer up there. He says he feels closer to my aunt up there. There is such a peace up there. I love the crisp air up there the wee hours of the morning.

  43. What about Webster Lake or Lake Chargogagogmanchaugagogchaubunagungamaug Sorry about the from memory spelling. It is on my class ring which I couldn’t find. Not only a beautiful lake in Ma. but a conversation starter wherever you go.

  44. I would warn against swimming in Lake Waramaug. The swim area is high polluted by geese and algae. State of CT does *not* do a good job maintaining the beach and stopped providing lifeguards years ago. It is a pretty ride around the lake though.

  45. Squam Lake may be the setting they used to film “On Golden Pond” but it’s not the lake the book is based on. Which is actually in Maine. Where I grow up and know the real mailman that delivered the mail on the lake and the real cove that was fished.
    Debbie in CT

  46. This list always brings out great comments about great lakes, even, I guess the no name lakes people do not want to divulge. The truest comment on the list, there is no better place than New England for lakes, and many other aspects of life!

  47. I’m glad that you didn’t mention Lake Nubanusit in Hancock, Nelson and Harrisville NH. It to beautiful to share because it’s surrounded by conservation land. Do not go there, the loons and nesting bald eagles don’t appreciate the company.

  48. Although these are some great suggestions, I believe you have missed some amazing lakes in New England. Having grown up and lived in many states in NE, I’ve visited many of them. Consider these options as well: Lake Winnepasaukee( NH) Lake Winnesqaum(NH), Lake Pemiquid (ME) or even Lake Champlain (VT). I literally grew up in NH and I grew up on Lake Winnepasaukee. Actually, a little trivia, Jimmy Fallon visits there often and loves this lake so much that he named his daughter Winne after this lake! Just my suggestions to further encourage those explorers of this part of our country! Happy trails!☺️