
Underwood Deviled Ham | The Ham in the Can

New England born and nearly 150 years old, Underwood Deviled Ham is an all-American classic that’s wickedly good.

A can of deviled ham spread is in the foreground with a plate of sandwiches containing the spread in the background. A red and white checkered cloth is partially visible on the table.

Coffee By Design | Portland, Maine

Photo Credit : Katherine Keenan

Some products with New England roots have been around so long we can’t imagine store shelves without them. One of the longer histories belongs to Underwood Deviled Ham, a canned-food workhorse that’s not just an everyday pantry staple, but has traveled the world in caravans, camping gear, lunchboxes, picnic baskets, tailgate totes, and, well…just about everything that transports food.

For a brand so old its canned goods were carried by Union soldiers during the Civil War, Underwood has evolved into an all-American mainstay, thanks in no small part to its star product’s versatility. Not only does deviled ham makes a tasty addition to sandwiches, appetizers, and dips in limitless combinations, but its stable shelf life makes it a reliable buy.

So just how old it it? Founded in Boston in 1822, the William Underwood Company originally manufactured packaged condiments and pickled vegetables, but in 1868 they began offering deviled ham as a canned meat spread. The famous devil logo, a nod to the “deviled” product inside and thought to be the oldest food trademark still in use for a prepackaged food product in the country, came along in 1870. Thankfully, the devil has morphed over the years into a much jollier version (sans claws) than the original.

Underwood Deviled Ham ad from the Boston Evening Transcript from January, 1906.
Underwood Deviled Ham ad from the Boston Evening Transcript from January, 1906. Note the early devil’s claws and the way its tail forked into a “W” for William Underwood.

Yankee Magazine didn’t arrive until 1935, but our archives are teeming with Underwood ads. Here’s an example from 1946. We especially like how the ad copy is giving a wink to the popular Swoppers’ Column from the issues of that era.

underwood deviled ham ad 1946
An Underwood Deviled Ham ad in the September 1946 issue of Yankee. Guess they knew they’d be running alongside the swoppers column!

So just what is deviled ham? Dating back to the early 19th century, it’s a mixture of ground ham and seasonings, which is exactly what you’ll see on the Underwood label — ham (cured with water, salt, brown sugar, Sodium Nitrite) and seasoning (mustard flour, spices, turmeric). Far from evil, the word “deviled” is a culinary term that means “adding spices” — usually hot ones like cayenne pepper, Dijon mustard, or chopped chili peppers — to foods like ham, eggs, turkey, or even lobster.

underwood deviled ham
Underwood Deviled Ham Spread — a New England-born favorite since 1868.
Photo Credit : Aimee Seavey

Today the Underwood family of products (now part of B&G Foods, which also owns that other New England canned favorite, B&M Brown Bread in a Can) includes canned meat spreads in other flavors like chicken, roast beef, liverwurst, and corned beef, but their star player is without a doubt the deviled ham. Now 150 years later, it’s still a quick-food favorite.

Are you a fan of deviled ham? What’s your favorite way to eat it?

This post was first published in 2015 and has been updated. 

75 Classic New England Foods
6 Classic New England Sandwiches
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Aimee Tucker

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  1. When a child going to the beach, this was lunch. My mother would serve this on hamburger buns, not bread, and I can still taste it to this day. Nice article. Thanks for sharing.

  2. spread on toast then a slice of cheese melted in top was a longtime favorite breakfast before school throughout the 60’s and 70’s. Pretty sure it followed me to college and has been served often to my own children! A family favorite!

  3. I had a Deviled Ham sandwich for lunch here in Jackson, N.C. yesterday and really enjoyed it. It’s always been one of my favorite foods. The flavor is incredible. Thanks for the info.
    Judy Dryden Gossip
    Jackson, N.C.

  4. I mix it in with the cooked yolks for my deviled eggs or someimes make a dip with it mixed into sour cream or, add mayo and chopped pickle for a sandwich spread or spread into celery ribs.

  5. My mother used to make deviled ham sandwiches for me and my two brothers for our school lunches and my father for his lunch at work. She’d mix it with miracle whip and spread on white bread. I always preferred the Underwood chicken spread (made the same way) which she’d make as well. I still treat myself to an Underwood chicken spread sandwich (no miracle whip) every now and then when I need a quick sandwich. Brings back memories.

  6. I eat deviled ham on Englsih muffins. My Mom always had them this way and the tradition carries on. Love deviled ham.

    1. This is the way we ate it. My Mom toasted an English muffin then buttered it and placed a slice of american cheese on each half then put it back in the toaster oven to melt the cheese. Then she would spread the Deviled ham on top of the cheese. Delish. Ate this mostly in winter after sledding with tomato soup. Campbell’s of course.

  7. Deviled Ham and yellow mustard on white bread was a staple when I was a kid. I going to buy a couple cans tomorrow and make a sandwich for my son.

  8. Sit an 8oz. Package of cream cheese on the radiator for twenty minutes until it’s soft. Combine with one can of devilled ham and use ripple chips to dip. Circa 1965 🙂

  9. My mother would always mix deviled ham with her egg salad and mayonaise. Made great sandwiches with a little lettuce. It’s still a favorite!!

  10. My mom made them all the time when I was growing up. I just had them this week. Good old fashioned white bread, deviled ham and garden veggie cream cheese. Nothing better!

  11. Start with Pillsbury pie crust, cut into 6 triangles. Place deviled ham on 6 triangles, top with other
    6 triangles, seal using a fork. Prick top of triangles. Bake at 400 for ten minutes or till brown. Top with heated Stouffer’s Welsh Rarebit.

  12. Of all the suggestions here, yours is the closest to what I ate for school lunches back in the 60s. Good old yellow mustard and white bread. There are so many food snobs around these days, they would be appalled! But boy, were those sandwiches tasty, eh? ( I am Canadian)

  13. My favorite way to eat deviled ham is between two slices of nice fresh, soft white bread with French’s yellow mustard. My husband insists that his has miracle whip instead of the mustard. But it’s mustard every time for me. I often take this to work for the days I need something quickly.

  14. Still eat it at my house. We make a dip with deviled ham, yellow mustard, chopped onions, and worcestershire sauce. Goes great with Triscuits!!

  15. Would eat it straight from the can with Wasa Bread on the trail, and sadly eventually fell in love with it’s sister; chicken. Haven’t tried to patch it up with ham, wonder if she’d take me back?

  16. I’m in my late 70s and still make deviled eggs the way my mother did—-mashed yokes, deviled ham, dry mustard and mayo. My kids and spouses and grandkids love them. My mother was 38 when I was born, so the recipe goes way back in my family. Just had them yesterday. Thanks for the history.

  17. I have been enjoying devilled ham since I was a kid; my Mom served it spread on white or whole wheat bread and cut into little “finger sandwiches”. The Roast Beef and Chicken spreads are also delicious, and after reading about all the different ways Yankee readers serve these spreads, I’m going to have to pick up a can or two. I guess I know what I’ll be having for lunch tomorrow!

  18. Just read this article and lo and behold, my lunch bag has a can of Underwood Deviled Ham and Saltine crackers in it! Yep, I’m a New Englander born and bred who just happens to live in the South.

  19. I have always loved it and it is great as an add-in to deviled eggs. I also make a great cheese log at Christmas using it. Love that they have the special edition and the son was in the first wave of soldiers to Iraq and came back safe and sound with only a little problem with PTSD. great article…love Yankee magazine.

  20. I thought this article would be a recipe. Anyway, add two tablespoons of Miracle Whip, stir with a fork and put it on plain white bread. Enjoy!

  21. Since I was a child 65 years ago, I have always loved open-faced sandwiches with Deviled Ham and whipped cream cheese spread on sourdough bread. There is nothing like it, and I always enjoy going back to these sandwiches periodically.

  22. There is however, to me, a substantial difference between the original deviled ham and the deviled ham spread. I love the former but cannot stand the latter.

  23. My mom’s recipe as well! she was from Worcester..thinking it must have been in a magazine once upon a time.. I still make them that way! always a hit!

  24. This brought back memories. As a kid my mom would always have this in the kitchen. Cabinet. For us to eat! Good stuff!

  25. Love my Underwood deviled ham. Had it many times as a kid in the 1930’s. Have it on hand all the time. Best for me with mayo and halapino’s. Also mix with egg salad. Love that is still in the paper wrapper!

  26. My mom made us deviled ham and mayo for school lunches–We lived in Watertown Ma. and Underwood labeled their priduct as being made there . Times change, it doesn’t taste the same to me, but I plan to try some of the recipes listed here.

  27. May be of interest to know that Underwood products are made in Portland Maine in the same building that B&M baked beans are made.

  28. I make a dip using a jar pimento cheese, 1 large can of Deviled Ham, about a teaspoon grated onion, and about a half cup of Miracle Whip. Mix together and eat on crackers or with chips or carrot sticks. Yummy!

  29. Down here in the South, we enjoy Underwood Deviled Ham as much as you Yankees do. One of our favorite sandwich spreads is the deviled ham mixed with equal amounts of Mrs. Campbell’s Hot Chow Chow. Delicious!

  30. My parents, brother and myself worked at Underwood’s in Watertown. We always had plenty of their products in the house. My favorite dish to make was a western omelet . A quick delicious meal.

  31. While serving in Viet Nam my mother would include Deviled Ham in a “care package” sent to me. I was from the Boston area and for a little bit it was like being Home.

  32. Love deviled ham. Childhood favorite sandwich (and still is) was deviled ham with Cain’s mayo on one slice of Pepperidge Farm white bread (the square thin slices) and French’s Spicy Brown mustard on the other slice, and one slice of American cheese. I haven’t been able to bring myself to ‘fancy it up’ with different bread or mustard, it has to be the way mom made it growing up in the 60’s

  33. Years ago I made a recipe with uNderwood devilled ham called crisscross pizzas. Does anyone have the recipe. I think you mixed it with tomato sauce and oregano,spread it on toasted rolls,crossed thin slices of cheese on top and broiled

  34. Deviled ham & amayo on white bread as a kid, now on rye or pumpernickel as an adult!! Still love it!! Great article!

  35. I worked at Underwood Devil Ham in Westwood Massachusetts from 1976-1981. The building in Westwood was their main office. George Seybolt was our president and it was a wonderful company to work for.

    1. Jeannie, I read your comment about Deviled Ham on the New England web site. I’m a part-time vegetarian but I do love the taste of ham. I’ve often wondered what exactly is put into a can of deviled ham (meaning what parts of a pig do they use and how much fat is used when they grind the ingredients up). I saw that you were employed there and wondered if you could shed any light on my questions. I sort of enjoy deviled ham now and then, but I would really like to enjoy it even more if I knew what it was made of. Thanks so much for any info you can send me. Vicki

  36. Holiday tradition … Mix deviled ham and cream cheese together and stuff celery with it. Sprinkle with paprika. Delicious!

  37. I’ve had this for lunch ever since I can remember. My mom would send me off to school with a white bread (Pepperidge Farm – no Wonder Bread in our household) sandwich and a dill pickle. My wife can’t stand the stuff (from Michigan – they just don’t understand out there) and rolls her eyes whenever I come back from the store with a can or two. Hee hee!

  38. My grandmother would mix Cain”s relish and yellow mustard and store it in a clean glass jar in the fridge. Then she would use the deviled ham and the mustard/ relish concoction on scali bread for sandwiches. She was Italian after all.

  39. I’m a New Englander born and bred (now live in California) who grew up on Underwood Devil Ham sandwiches on Pepperidge Farm bread. I still eat it all the time on sandwiches and saltine crackers mixed with Best Food Mayonnaise (Cain in New England). Love it!

  40. My favorite deviled ham recipe is one from a 1960’s Better Homes & Garden magazine ~ “Deviled Chicken”. INGREDIENTS – 3 lbs chicken parts (legs, thighs, breasts, and wings, as desired); 2 tbsp butter, melted; 1 tsp salt; dash of pepper; 1 4-1/2-oz can deviled ham; 1 tbsp snipped parsley; 1-1/2 tsp prepared mustard; 1/4 cup fine dry bread crumbs (or plain panko bread crumbs). DIRECTIONS – brush chicken with melted butter, sprinkle with salt and pepper, then place skin side up in a shallow baking pan. Bake uncovered in a 375-degree oven for about 1 hour, or until tender. While chicken bakes, thoroughly combine deviled ham, parsley, and mustard. Remove chicken from oven, spread ham mixture evenly over chicken, sprinkle lightly with bread crumbs, and spoon pan drippings over chicken. Broil about 4 inches from heat for 2-3 minutes, or until browned. Make 6 servings. Only one downside re today’s deviled ham ~ don’t know if it’s been “tinkered” with over the years, but it now has a different taste!

  41. I am famous for my Deviled Ham dip of mayo, diced onoon, and a few chopped green olives. mixed together then sliced green olives on top….a show stopper and served with either potato chips or crackers it never fails!

  42. Dad loved this on white bread, mixed with mayo and pickle relish. But Mom had a appetizer recipe she got from a friend: SNOWCAP SPREAD

    2 4.5-oz cans Deviled Ham
    1 tbsp minced onion
    1 8-oz pkg cream cheese
    ¼ cup sour cream (or milk)
    1 tsp Coleman’s mustard
    6 or 7 stuffed olives
    Combine Deviled Ham and minced onion and mound on plate. Frost with cream cheese mixed with sour cream and mustard. Garnish with sliced stuffed olives. Serve with Fritos or Triscuits.

  43. My mother in law always made deviled ham mixed with 8 oz cream cheese and spread it on open white bread then baked them at 400 degrees for about 10 minutes until the bread browned on the bottom. With a bowl of soup, it was a delish lunch!

  44. I always keep a can or two in my fishing boat….makes a great lunch, spread on Triscuit crackers, with some cheese or Branston pickle . Older folks appreciate it for the nostalgia, and kids like it because it’s good . Keeps forever without refrigeration . My bug-out bag has a few cans of this in it as well .

  45. Years ago,there was a show out of Pittsburgh called “Travelling Gourmet”, hosted by the late Mike Kalina.He presented a variant of the deviled ham/cream cheese stuffed appetizer,this one using banana peppers from the jar.(N.E. prefers Pastene,of course) I’ve made these for parties and they’re pretty tasty.It can be a messy process,but if the mixture is a little warm and the peppers are cold,you can sort of pipe/stuff them,then serve them sectioned and toothpicked after chilling overnight.

  46. Deviled ham is my secret ingredient for deviled eggs.Guests gobble them up and request them at every party. Won’t tell them my secret recipe.

    1. I agree, I always make Deviled Eggs when it is my turn for coffee hour after church. Everyone loves them, especially the men. Started with 24 eggs, up it 48 now, never any to take home.

  47. When I was a kid my mother always had can on hand to make sandwiches for lunch. Today at the age of 61, I always have a can in my cupboard to make a sandwich or 2 for lunch.

  48. In our house, a lunch staple was my mom’s grilled cheese and deviled ham sandwiches (on Pepperidge Farm bread lathered with butter of course!) Quick, easy and delish! When we spent our summers on the Cape, all the kids came running to our house for lunch when they know mom was breaking out the cheese and deviled ham. Fifty years later, my mouth still waters for that sandwich. In fact, I think I’ll go downstairs now and make one for lunch today ;)!

  49. We always called Underwood’s “potted ham” and made our sandwiches with white bread, yellow mustard and a slice of American cheese for school lunch in the 1960’s. Still occasionally have a potted ham sandwich when I am feeling homesick for New England.

  50. I used to eat Deviled Ham all the time as a kid and loved it. Then I learned that sodium nitrite promotes colon cancer and banished it from my shelves. If they took it out, I would eat Deviled Ham again — but not until.

    1. I too grew up with deviled ham. I am a avid reader and nitrites do promote colon cancer. I hope someone considers removing nitrites. I’d love to buy a few cans. I miss it. Was a lunchtime staple as a kid

  51. A minor correction….Best Foods Mayo in the west is Hellman’s in the east. Same Mayo Yum with deviled ham!

  52. My mother would make me a Western Omelette using 2 TBLS of deviled ham, chopped onions, and 2 eggs. Sometimes she would add chopped green pepper as well, which makes it an eastern I guess. I still do this today. Love Underwoods deviled ham…

  53. I am 66 and grew up on deviled ham sandwiches – just buttered white bread and deviled ham – with hot Campbell’s tomato soup poured over the top, to be eaten with a fork. Yum!

    1. This is a real blast from the past…….imagine february school vacation,coming in from sledding ,all cold and sopping wet,and eating this while your winter gear steams itself dry on the radiator in the corner……..time pursues us all,but it can’t take those memories

  54. A “secret” ingredient for my grandmother’s BookClub lunches. Deviled Ham Deviled Eggs were a big part of the buffet. My other grandmother mixed it with cream cheese and pickles and more spices and Texas Pete hot sauce to make a dip for her Derby Parties. My father was more traditional, Sunday afternoon lunches after church in the summertime meant a sandwich tray with the Deviled Ham Salad sandwiches playing a starring role, crusts cut off of course. A few cans of this ham covered the need for a quick take on Smithfield Deviled Ham, not available in Texas and we always “doctored’ the spread or even added finely ground ham to punch it up more. Interesting article and made me think of Upton Sinclair’s TheJungle!

  55. But you always must use Miracle Whip dressing on a white bread, deviled ham and tomato sandwich! The best combination.

  56. During or right after World War II, my father bought a large case of Deviled Ham. For months it was in our sandwiches at school lunchtime. It was good, but I don’t believe I have eaten it since.

  57. As a kid, I don’t remember enjoying it, but I do now (I’m 74). I mix it with mayo lots of it) and sweet pickle relish. I sometimes toast the bread before I put the sandwich together.

  58. I love deviled ham as a kid and still do at 54. My mother used Cains Mayo and Howard’s Green Tomato Piccalilli. I have to have friends mail it to me or I order it online. It’s worth it!

  59. Enjoyed as much today (at 85) as I did growing up in ‘Woustah’, MA. Great with a slice of Swiss cheese, tomato & lettuce…and a cup of tea! Glad the stores out here in Wisconsin keep Underwood’s Deviled Ham on the shelves. …Wish they’d do the same for Marshmallow Fluff!!

  60. I just bought some today, and had for lunch before reading this article. I made a grilled cheese w/green olive and deviled ham. Yum! I am 60 and while growing up, deviled ham was a regular sandwich item on white bread with mustard. Sometimes, my mom would mix up a spread with mayonaise and chopped celery to mix things up. Still love it to this day. Don’t eat nearly as much of it, but once in a while it really hits the spot and brings back memories. :))))

  61. We bought some Underwood Deviled ham several weeks ago. I love it on white bread-nothing else is needed. I think I like it better now than I did as a kid. I have noticed that many of the grocery stores around here do not carry it anymore. We finally found one that does stock it. Every few years I get a craving for deviled ham. Wonderful stuff. I think I will make a sandwich for my lunch tomorrow.

  62. Always ate it with strawberry jam on one slice of bread and deviled ham on the other slice. So good love the sweet and salty together

  63. For those that can not locate locally Underwood’s Deviled Ham and Marshmallow Fluff are both available on Amazon! Free shipping with Prime

  64. I just served Underwood Deviled Ham during the holidays as a spread on Triscuits or bread. I combine it with 8 ounces of cream cheese, a teaspoon of grated onion, a couple of heaping tablespoons of horseradish and enough mayonnaise to achieve the right consistency (more for a dip). This has been a family treat for close to 70 years!

  65. I recently bought both the ham and the chicken spread. I also remember eating it as a kid, so I hoped it would be a good thing to keep on hand for a quick sandwich. alas, it was horrible, both the ham and the chicken was not something I would eat again. What happened? I got older.

  66. Do not think that only New Englander’s ate Underwood Deviled Ham. I am 80 years of age now and grew up in West Virginia. My mother would make our bread and spread it with Deviled Ham, then slice pickled eggs over it, our mayonnaise was home made also. You can bet I never traded my sandwich at school.

  67. Found this article while searching for a recipe for an appetizer spread my mother used to make. I came across the “Snowcap Spread” recipe, which seems like it could be it, minus the olives. I don’t remember her calling it by name and can’t find anything that might be it in her “recipe bag”. She made it for years and was still making it until she passed at age 90. I’m going to try this one and hope it stands up to hers. It will bring back memories.????

  68. One of my favorite childhood dinners was a recipe passed down from my precious mom. Butterflied chicken breasts stuffed with Deviled ham and cheddar cheese, rolled up (held together with toothpicks) browned in butter and onions, then placed in a backing dish, covered with cream of whatever is in the cabinet soup, mixed with a little milk and seasoned with salt and pepper, then baked to bubbly perfection. mmmmm…..going to have this tonight!!! DELISH!!!

  69. Just ate a Deviled Ham sandwich 5 minutes ago and wondered how it was made, exactly, and ended up here. I see a lot of recipes that include it but I’ve never eaten any that way. Just spread on a slice of bread, liberal mayo on the other slice and instant joy! I’m 55 now and have eaten it since I was a kid and I imagine my preference is that way because that’s how my dad ate his and I never really thought there was any other way. I live in Alabama and I’ve never been in any grocery store here that doesn’t have Underwood Deviled Ham. I feel sorry for people that can’t get it locally! 🙂

  70. Deviled Ham eggs were always made at summer picnics when I waqs a child. I still make them to this day!! Best deviled eggs I’ve ever had!!

  71. My Mom made these and I still have them when I think of it. Slightly toast an English muffin, spread with Deviled Ham and top with cheese, I use Cheddar, put it under the broiler until cheese melts. Love them!

  72. Loved Deviled Ham as a kid. Dad mixed it with mayo and pickle relish. My husband and kids are not fans. My 7 year old granddaughter, however, loves it! Says Nana, Deviled Ham is my favorite!!

  73. I love your Deviled Ham Spread and have eaten it all of my life (78 almost 79 years). Somehow my daughter bought me some and did not pay attention just grabbed 4 cans of the 4.25ozs cans and I opened one ready for a yum fest of ham and crackers for my lunch. It looked a little funny when I looked at it and when I started to eat it, it had some hunks of stuff mixed in with the spread. I finally looked at the label and it was White Meat chicken spread (yuk!!!!!). The ham is and always has been lucious but the chicken you can give back to the chickens. It was gross. I was so unhappy that I didn’t eat any lunch today. How can we keep this from happening. I always looked but am not physically able to go and walk around the store. So my sweetheart of a daughter shops very quickly and just grabs what she thinks is right. Please help me. I did not know where to write to make this complaint, so I found this site and sent my note here. Thank you for any time spent on my behalf.

  74. Does any one have the recipe that came on rhe Swiss Cheese Crackers box….it used deviled ham, black olives and I can’t remember what else

  75. I always love Underwood Spreads (including devilled ham) especially in sandwiches, wraps, tacos, salads & quesadillas. Underwood Devilled Ham is actually my favourite!

  76. Oh the memories!! I grew up in Quirigua, Guatemala and my mom & dad would give us kids Underwood Devil Ham on saltines and also made deviled eggs with the ham spread other times. I am 76 years old now and your article hit the spot for me. Thanks

  77. I’ve always loved Underwood Deviled Ham. I will mix it with a little Miracle Whip (don’t like Mayo) and sometimes add a little sweet relish.

  78. Love Deviled Ham! I toast an English Muffin-spread each half with the deviled ham and too each with Mayo and yellow mustard! So delish! Always have a can in my cupboard!

  79. Can underwood deviled ham, being rinsed a little? Before adding it to Au Gratin Potato box mixture? With shortage of food, would this be Good?

    1. Hello- I swear I remember an Underwood Deviled ham that was NOT a spread, but a bit chunkier. Am I dreaming or was it another product? I have a real yen for it. HELP! ????

      1. I remember there was Underwood deviled ham, Chicken spread, and ham spread. I liked the ham spread but they took it off the market.

      2. Yep I just tried it again first time in 40 years and now it’s like mush in a can! Nothing like the pasty spread like I remembered growing up. why change what was so good before?

  80. loved it, the world headquarters used to be in Westwood Massacusetts right on Rt 128. grew up in Westwood and remember seeing the building and the Devil flags flying…

  81. Mom and Dad loved deviled ham sandwiches and a couple of cans could be found in the cupboard at all times. I never ate it as a child and at the tender age of 60 decided to try it and liked it. One of their favorites was calves liver and onions. Tried one bite as a child and never again!!

  82. My former Mother-in-Law who was from Argentina used Underwood’s Deviled ham in her lasagna. Many Argentines are of Italian descent, and you’ll see many Italian dishes in the cuisine. But the lasagna is unique. She’d spread a very thin layer of Underwood’s in the lasagna, along with beef in the sauce, of course. The deviled ham gave such a terrific, robust and meaty flavor, I loved it. Lasagna in Argentina often include slices of hard boiled egg too, either as a layer or on top. We had deviled ham sandwiches on nice white bread when I was a kid. They’re still familiar and satisfying.

  83. Does anyone have the recipe for a dip made with Deviled ham and the only other info remember my mother using was Hot dog relish. Anyone know??