Dear Yankee | July/August 2020
Readers respond to their favorite Yankee magazine articles.
Readers respond to their favorite Yankee magazine articles.
Readers respond to their favorite Yankee magazine articles.
Readers respond to their favorite Yankee Magazine articles.
Made with dried fruit, brandy, ground almonds, and citrus zest, this easy fruitcake recipe offers a delicious and quick way to enjoy a classic. We promise you will never make fun of fruitcake again!
Those of us born in December often arrive late, or so say the old wives, who claim that these fiery infants aren’t anxious to come forth into the cold world. I was apparently not interested in that cold entry, as I was born on December 10 rather than November 14, the day my mother expected […]
In the last week of August, a reader from East Dummerston, Vermont, sent us an email that began, “I don’t know why I haven’t written before to say how much I love Yankee.” She went on to write: “I savor every article and even read the ads … I won’t allow myself to read the […]
Honoring the faithfulness of a beloved boat.
At times, starlight can illuminate what is truly important. An ode to the sleeping porch, where cicadas provide a lullaby.
At times, starlight can illuminate what is truly important.
At times, starlight can illuminate what is truly important.
Star Power On opening your January/February issue, I was brought to tears reading “Leaving Mary’s Farm” [about columnist Edie Clark’s good-bye to her New Hampshire homestead]. I then turned to Edie’s essay “Night Sky.” I remembered an event from a few months ago, a severe storm that knocked out power for all of Cape Elizabeth—something […]
In memory of Yankee’s Edie Clark, we look back on our 2018 tribute after she said good-bye to the historic homestead where she found “the best, most rewarding kind of love.”