Best Cider Donuts in New England

Best Cider Donuts in New England

Wondering where to find the best cider donuts in New England? Here are 5 favorite apple cider donut spots.
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What Did the Pilgrims Eat at the First Thanksgiving?

Exploring Plimoth Patuxet | A New England Living History Museum

At Plimoth Patuxet (formerly Plimoth Plantation) in Plymouth, Massachusetts, a 17th-Century English Village and Wampanoag Homesite tell the story of one of America’s first settlements.
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Best Apple Orchards in New England

15 Best Apple Orchards in New England

Apple picking is one of those fall activities that never grow old. Senior food editor Amy Traverso shares her list of the best apple orchards in New England.
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The Best of Yankee in 12 Special Collections

When you claim your Yankee All-Access Charter Membership you will receive the best of Yankee in 27 curated Special Collections—including Summer Destinations, Fall Destinations, and Winter Destinations—available only online.
5 Best Pumpkin Festivals in New England

Best Pumpkin Festivals in New England

Looking for phenomenal fall celebrations? These annual events are the best pumpkin festivals in New England!
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Fall Foliage Train Tours in New England

10 Places to Visit in New England in Fall

Already dreaming about foliage season? These 10 places to visit in New England in fall are a great way to kick off a weekend of fun.
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