Easy Sweet Refrigerator Pickles

Homemade pickles are a snap with this easy sweet refrigerator pickle recipe that's perfect for a canning beginner.
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New England Steamed Clams | Guide & Recipes

A heaping tray of steamed clams with bowls of broth and butter dipping is a sure sign of summer in New England. Here are some tips on how to cook steamers.
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Homemade Maple Walnut Ice Cream

Homemade Maple-Walnut Ice Cream

This delicious ice cream recipe gets its rich flavor from two simple steps: concentrating the maple syrup by simmering it for 10 minutes, and toasting the walnuts.
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The Best of Yankee in 12 Special Collections

When you claim your Yankee All-Access Charter Membership you will receive the best of Yankee in 27 curated Special Collections—including Summer Destinations, Fall Destinations, and Winter Destinations—available only online.
Italian Zucchini Crescent Pie

Italian Zucchini Crescent Pie

Italian Zucchini Crescent Pie is a quick, easy, and delicious way to make the most of your summer zucchini supply!
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Why the Tomato and Mayo Sandwich is the Perfect Summer Sandwich

Why the Tomato and Mayo Sandwich Is the Perfect Summer Sandwich

In the dog days of August, nothing tastes sweeter than a tomato and mayo sandwich on soft white bread. It just might be the ultimate summer sandwich.
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