Strawberry Rhubarb Coffee Cake

Made with buttermilk, brown sugar, and fresh fruit, this strawberry rhubarb coffee cake recipe is an early summer family favorite.
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Grilled Salmon

Grilled Salmon with Crème Fraîche

Garnished with chive blossoms and infused with the flavors of white wine, shallot, and crème fraîche, this company-worthy grilled salmon is a stunner.
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Homemade Strawberry Shortcake

Homemade Strawberry Shortcake

When fresh berries abound, who can resist the charm of a classic homemade strawberry shortcake? Let the sliced, sugared berries sit for at least an hour to get good and juicy.
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Favorite Cookie Recipes

Ruth Wakefield’s Original Toll House Cookies Recipe

The original Toll House Cookies, invented by Ruth Wakefield at the Toll House Inn in Whitman, Massachusetts, date back to the 1930s.
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Grilled Corn with Herbed Bacon Butter

Grilled Corn with Herbed Bacon Butter

Topped with a flavorful herbed bacon butter and Parmesan cheese, this summer grilled corn recipe is the perfect barbecue side dish.
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