Julia Child's Favorite Fish Chowder

Julia Child’s Favorite Fish Chowder

From the beloved chef comes a classic New England fish chowder recipe with a hint of a French accent. Her fish chowder is expertly flavored with salt pork and thickened with crumbled crackers.
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Rhode Island Coffee Milk

Rhode Island Coffee Milk

What do you get when you add coffee syrup to ice cold milk? In the Ocean State, you get the official state drink — Rhode Island coffee milk.
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Vermont Cheddar Fondue

Vermont Cheddar Fondue

The combination of dipping apples into this Vermont cheddar fondue recipe offers a unique New England spin on traditional fondue.
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Blueberry Boy Bait

Blueberry Boy Bait

More than just a tasty blueberry cake, it's rumored that this recipe for Blueberry Boy Bait can help a woman snag the man of her choosing.
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Easy Brown Bread in a Can Recipe

The Easiest Brown Bread in a Can Recipe

What's the easiest brown bread in a can recipe? The one that's actually brown bread in a jar! Made with cornmeal, wheat, and rye flours, plus buttermilk and molasses, this brown bread in a jar recipe is the easy way to enjoy a mini Boston classic.
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