Friendly’s Jubilee Roll | A New England Holiday Ice Cream Tradition
A New England holiday tradition, the Friendly's Jubilee Roll combines two kinds of ice cream with fudge, nuts, and sprinkles into the ultimate take-home treat.
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On December 29 & 30, laugh away the year with a beloved comedian’s hilarious holiday extravaganza of down-home Yankee sensibility and funky fun. A Music Hall tradition. Tickets on sale now!
Give the gift of Yankee Magazine and get a FREE Scenes of New England 2018 Calendar for yourself. This calendar includes 12 full-color photographs of your favorite New England Destinations.
Go from season to season and place to place in New England with this delightful wall calendar. Enjoy the quiet pleasures of New England through 12 full-color photographs. It’s classic New England at its best!