Seafood expert Mike Urban has sampled fried clams at more New England shacks than he can count. Here are his picks for the best fried clams in New England.
Activities, Amenities, and Care at Havenwood Heritage Heights
You’ve been in charge of your whole life so why stop now? By making the move to Havenwood Heritage Heights, you’ll have the opportunity to create your own experience, every day.
Why not explore residential options at Quarry Hill? Our maintenance-free homes offer the ease of one-floor living, plus access to additional levels of care. Discover Quarry Hill—and start making your Maine dream come true.
Create foliage reports, post photos, write comments, and rate up to the minute foliage status for your location. Plan your fall trip based on where the leaves have changed or are changing.
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Whether you prefer the innocent version or cider that packs a kick, New England’s best cider mills offer a behind-the-scenes look at how apples become drinkable.