Blueberry Boy Bait

Blueberry Boy Bait

More than just a tasty blueberry cake, it's rumored that this recipe for Blueberry Boy Bait can help a woman snag the man of her choosing.
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The 7 Wonders of Fall | New England’s Gifts

Did New England invent leaf peeping as a destination? Perhaps. Here's a look at our favorite foliage season musts -- our "7 Wonders of Fall."
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Two bowls of creamy soup with chunks of potato and seafood, accompanied by a small bowl of crackers, arranged on a dark tray with two spoons and a gray napkin.

10 Top Haddock Recipes

From creamy chowder to crispy beer-battered fish, these haddock dishes are the perfect solution for Lenten menus and meatless Mondays.
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where is lake champlain

Where Is Lake Champlain? | A Travel Guide

A giant freshwater gem that links two U.S. states and Canada, Lake Champlain is also a top New England summer travel destination.
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Best Apple Orchards in New England

15 Best Apple Orchards in New England

Apple picking is one of those fall activities that never grow old. Senior food editor Amy Traverso shares her list of the best apple orchards in New England.
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Kittery Point, Maine

Kittery Point, Maine | A Quiet Summer Destination

Leave the crush of shoppers scavenging for bargains in Kittery behind, and head to the charming village of Kittery Point, Maine, for a day of exploring.
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