One of New England's most popular spots for the best fried clams and lobster rolls, The Clam Shack in Kennebunk, Maine, just might be the ultimate summer seafood shack.
This cooling Avocado-Cilantro Salsa (Salsa de Aguacate) pairs perfectly with your favorite tacos. If you don’t like cilantro, feel free to substitute fresh basil.
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Guide to New England Drive-In Theaters
A small but beloved group of New England drive-in theaters offer nostalgic summer fun. From Maine to Rhode Island, here's where to find them!
Get all the inside secrets about everything New England today!
Celebrate everything New England with a Yankee All-Access Charter Membership! Includes streaming of the first two seasons of Weekends with Yankee!
Guide to Chatham, Massachusetts | Eat, Stay & Play
Fresh seafood, great oceanside lodging, and one amazing shark center are just a few of the reasons to visit the coastal town of Chatham, Massachusetts.