Old Village Paint captures charm & character of the Colonial, Federal, and Victorian periods. Perfect for furniture, walls, accents, interior & exterior woodwork. Quality is our first goal. We strive to be the BEST!
Guide to Grafton, Vermont
Our favorite things to see and do in the postcard-perfect small town of Grafton, Vermont.
Need a weekend getaway? Visit the Berkshires.Enjoy the outdoors, events, food, wine, culture, art, fun and more. GET YOUR FREE TRAVEL GUIDE to the BERKSHIRES, and 100’s of other U.S. destinations.
Roasted Chicken with Root Vegetables
Prepared with roasted turnips, beets, onions, carrots, citrus, and fresh herbs, this roasted chicken recipe is a flavorful favorite.
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How to Repot Houseplants | Transfer Plants into Larger Containers
Knowing how to repot houseplants is a skill that should be in every green thumb's repertoire. It's an easy way to keep your plants healthy and thriving.