cadillac mountain sunrise

Where in the United States Does the Sun Shine First?

Where in America does the sun shine first? Turns out the answer is more complicated than you might think...
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Cherry Chocolate Marzipan Tea Cake

Cherry-Chocolate-Marzipan Tea Cake

The cherry-chocolate-marzipan tea cake gets its rich almond flavor from three sources: almond paste, almond extract, and sliced almonds on top.
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Winter Weekend in Camden, Maine

A winter getaway to Camden, Maine, offers an off-seasonal coastal escape that's worth savoring.
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Nashville Getaway Raffle

Win the ultimate country music fan experience with a trip-for-two to Music City! Immerse yourself in the town where country music is king with NHPBS. Go to and enter the Nashville Getaway Raffle.
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Historic Essex, CT | The Perfect Small Town

Historic Essex, CT | The Perfect Small Town

Surrounded on three sides by water and loaded with small-town charm, historic Essex, CT is a great place to visit in winter.
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Grapenut Pudding

A New England diner favorite, grapenut pudding is a classic sweet treat. Top with vanilla ice cream or whipped cream for best results.
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new england castles

New England Castles | Where to Find Them

Europe isn’t the only place you’ll find old ruins and medieval-style structures. Here’s a list of New England castles that are well worth a day of exploration.
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